Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Whose black money is it anyway?

This is the definition of Black money as per the on-line dictionary, for a minute, let us ignore the first part, let us focus only on the second part ‘Not declared for tax purposes’, now most of the people who are complaining /cribbing are the one’s who never thought they have to declare their income for what ever reason.

People in this category could be anyone, tuition teachers,
Tax Table for AY 2017-18
Drivers, Artisans, Tent hirers, Caterers, Small eateries, Mess operator, tailors, art & craft trainers etc., there could be thousands of categories of income earners, who never thought it as necessary to declare their incomes either within or outside the tax free limit. Let us assume for a minute, if only they had been declaring their incomes, for general public without tax exemptions there is no tax up to an income of Rs.2.5 lakhs. There are number of exemptions, which can take your income, tax free depending on the various savings and exempted expenditure. If they had been filing their returns either under the within tax free category or remit small amount as tax, just in case their incomes exceed the tax free limit, would they have so much to crib about. They could have simply walked in to the bank deposited their money and walk
out in style. Coming to withdrawals, yes there is some hardship due to lack of exchangeable currency, due to lack of smaller denomination notes and also absence of preparedness for this announcement of demonetisation.

The queues in front of the banks are primarily for the exchange scheme, which was meant for people to by pass the banking system and exchange demonetised currency to legal tender. Unfortunately the Indian jugaad, has used this option to convert as much of their stock of demonetised currency into legal tender by hiring help to do the job for them. We have thousands willing to do this task for a small fee. I have seen people like building watchmen, daily wage earners, servants etc in the queue to exchange money for someone, who wish to be anonymous.

ATM queues are another situation, we have new denominations and new note size, calibration was a
must, not considered as a challenge before the announcement or missed the attention of the think tank, ultimately, lead to long queues and frayed tempers, when the ATMs run out of money due to lack of legal tender.

When you hear some of the people complaining about the delay in the queue and not having legal tender in hand, the big question that, by passes all is, why these people didn't wish to keep the money in the banks in the first place. Instead of keeping the money at home (unsafe habit) if they had kept it in FD’s and bank savings account, then their problems would have been lot lesser. Having not done that, yes they have to wait in the queue lines. Politicians are taking advantage of this activity not considering the issue behind it. Netizens too are blasting the PM ignoring the fact millions of middle class come under category 2 of the Black money definition.

Bribe takers, tax evaders (other taxes) all these people are finding alternate ways to by pass the restrictions, finding ways to seek the black-sheep in the banking system just to exchange their demonetised notes to new notes, lack of availability of new notes is certainly hampering this particular activity. If only 2000, 500, 100 notes were available, we would have had many neo rich people from the banking sector.

Fast thinking politicos and business people managed to take calculated risk and bought Gold n other precious metals on the 9th & 10th. Most of those waiting for an opportunity to use their banking contacts, kind of got jacked, because of lack of availability of legal tender. Many a political party and their leaders got struck with a big apple in their throat, so best thing they have started blaming the plight of people as a reason for their opposing the demonetisation move. But alas, people didn't agree with them.

No doubt, there are hardships, people have the money but not able to use it, people celebrating marriages suddenly found themselves in awkward situations, without legal tender and not enough tax paid money in the bank. Gali janardhan Reddy might be an exemption, leading to major speculation about his spending capability.

Everyday we are reading news about money being caught in transit, Bank officials being arrested for participating in illegal exchange, Robbers running away with money waiting to be exchanged. What does it tell us, there is enough money people are not willing to just dump but trying all possible means to convert it into legal tender. Now, can we call this black money or hard earned money.

People who have been tagged and noticed as high net worth, have already changed their habits and started accounting all their major to minor expenditure and more so maybe their ability to earn is much higher and most cases tax free thanks to expert advice from tax consultants. Middle class, never assumed they have to account for their earnings, except the salaried class, who were anyway receiving TDS deducted money. That leaves us with tax evaders, bribe takers, these are the people, who are generally sitting on free money (hard earned some might still call it) now these people have been caught with their pants down, how well they can manage is to be seen. One biggest advantage for these people is, they can start all over again charging a 'CESS'.

It is going to take time for the fake note printers to get into the act, since the features that have been let out so far are only few and there are many hidden features too in the new high denomination notes and by the time fake notes start coming in, we do not know, what new steps this government will take.

Will India change and move towards a more compliant economy or continue its way of believing in cash economy, only the future will tell us and the year 2017 is going to be very exciting for all those hopefuls, nay sayers can never see anything in optimistic way, for them it will not matter.

*Some of the pictures used in this blog are taken from the Internet and the copyright of those pictures solely rests with the respective owners.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Choice, Choice and _________

Having a baby is a choice
What is born to us, is not
what they grow up and achieve is not in our hands

Getting married is a choice
Whom we get married too is a choice
What is the outcome of the marriage, it becomes a choice of two, maybe more

Raising a crop is our choice
nurturing the crop again is our choice
Output from the crop is dependent on various factors including nature

Wanting to go to a destination is our choice
Choosing the mode of transport is our choice
Reaching the destination is once again not totally in our control

Having savings in cash at home, our choice
Not accounting for the same, again our choice
if hurdles come for enjoying the savings, choice that went wrong

Making statements is our choice
Ensuring they are legal, is our responsibility
Being irresponsible, has no saviours

Putting money in your account is your choice
Drawing from it is based on availability of cash
During a crisis managing with what you have is sensible

Not filing IT returns was our choice
Demonetisation was not our choice
Ruing about not having enough cash in books, is an opportunity lost

House hold savings are always a choice
Saving enough for emergencies too is a choice
But keeping it as cash, not a sensible choice

Cribbing about our government, a choice
Choosing the mode is your choice
Repercussions, Trolls thereafter is a purchased choice

Having a bank account, is a choice
Keeping money in it is again a choice
Saying I don’t have account is no excuse

Reading this is your choice
Reacting to this is your choice

Writing this is my choice

Saturday, November 12, 2016

How effective is social media?

It seems to be very effective in spreading the negative news much faster and more purposefully.

Let's look at some instances in the recent past, the biggest news break was the Nano chip in the Rs.2000-00 note, that was scheduled to be released in Feb 2017. Scared the shit out of many and even few channels ran news stories around it, apparently without even verifying the news. Later on thanks to the demonetisation, notes got released earlier and we realise there is no chip. When our own phones don't work without signals, how did people expect chips without power source sending signals for indefinite periods from distances below the surface up to 10 ft.

All the talk of people getting affected due to demonetisation weddings, hospitalisation, death, travel etc no doubt people will get inconvenienced, when such big moves take place. It is the Indian Jugad which has to help them, in such times. But what is baffling is we give so much publicity to these and make it sound as if, these don't happen in normal times or under Force Majeure conditions like earthquakes, cyclones, floods etc.

Similarly, we have so much of false info being presented to us, wherein we are unable to judge and make out which is genuine and which is false. I saw a WA message on Urjit Patel & Jio connection, How Banks balance sheet will improve with this demoetisation etc. When I questioned back people who forwarded me, they don't have answers or they agree with my view point and say it was an error forwarding the stuff.

It is indeed a problem for all of us who start reacting to all the news that floats on the net and without verifying make comments or accusations, like in the case of the alleged daughter of a BJP leader holding 10 bundles of Rs.2000 notes, without even bothering to note value is not one million but 2 million for those notes. It turns out this man in question does not have a daughter. How quickly the news got spread, the girl in the picture must have cursed for sharing it with her friends, her proud moment turning out to be a nightmare.

2014 elections BJP used this medium very effectively to run their campaign and today is forced to defend itself, when others are using the media for their purposes. Unfortunately, this exercise is causing many to feel insecure in their own nation as they have started seeing things with magnifying glasses and are forced to believe the stories.

We see the creative photo-shop work being put to good use in social media with lots of malice at the regional level too. This is evident among the followers of two regional parties in AP TDP & YSRCP. We see a huge amount of dirty tricks being played by the followers to the extent one doesn't know who is telling the truth.

In the process anyone who tries to reason out will be either called a secularist, Bhakt or a patriot. So be prepared to be branded when you want to be active in the social media in addition to be trolled either way.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Biodiversity, a talk only activity

Was visiting Coringa Mangrove near Kakinada. About 237 Sq Km mangrove at the confluence of River Godavari and the Bay of Bengal. There are some boats arranged by the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department to ferry passengers around the mangrove.

Most favourite activity seems to be bird watching in this mangrove in addition to spotting Otters n few types of snakes. The time we went was not the best time for bird watching. Our trip was used for visiting the centuries old Lighthouse (abandoned). Long trip to the place and bit tiring by the end of the day.

We had for company a Research scholar, who was explaining to us the place and we could feel the pain in his heart at the disappointment he faces whenever he submits a research paper and no action is taken.

Rat Nest
According to him, neither people nor the department really cares for the Biodiversity and Live and let live method it preaches. We the people take pride in polluting the place with enough plastic, which we carry for our food and water, by dumping it in the waters. This plastic is eaten by the endangered species like Olive Ridleys as they mistake the plastic for Jellyfish and inevitably choke to death thereafter. We are most happy to clone and talk about creating more rather than saving what is existing.

He was mentioning about a report submitted by him to the department about a study on the same species of fish found dead during a particular time of the year. However, this study is gathering dust, since no one wants to disturb / hurt the fisher folks for the fear of losing their votes.

Old Lighthouse
While a wooden bridge has been constructed to access the lighthouse, the condition of it is not conducive to the heavy flow of tourists, maybe it is one way better, that there will be less pollution in the waters with less plastic floating around with fewer people visiting the place.

This situation seems to be the same all over our country, with many of our sanctuaries, National parks, fighting the plastic menace and people's apathy towards the other living beings. As a researcher of wildlife, his explanation, sounded convincing, about the Delhi Zoo death of the man who fell into the Tiger enclave was indeed an effort of the Tiger to save him from other people who were throwing stones to scare away the tiger. He also says, wild animals only react to our actions, they  are not the natural predators, wonder when the man will realise this fact and co-exist with the other creatures on this earth.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

స్టార్ట్ అప్పులు

మోదలు పెట్టండి స్టార్టప్ , మీ తెలివి తేటలే మీ పెట్టుబడి
కలుపుకోండి మీ సహచరులను వారి వెంటబడి

కనండి కలలు మీ ఐడియా చేస్తుంది మిమ్మల్ని ఒక బిలియనీర్
మీ ఏకాగ్రత చేస్తుంది మీ పనులు సులభం, లేదంటే మీకు మిగిలేది కన్నీర్

ఐడియా ఉంటే చాలదండి, దానికి కావాలి సరియైన గమ్యం
ఉంచండి మీ ఖర్చులపై ఒక కన్ను, లేదంటే మిగిలేది శూన్యం

చేయకండి ఎక్కువ తప్పులు
లేదంటే మిగిలేది తీర్చలేని అప్పులు

గేలిచారా మీరు ఒక తిరుగులేని స్టార్టప్
లేదంటే మిగిలేది మీకు తరగని తిప్పల్

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Where Eagles Soar

Long time ago, A king received 2 beautiful baby eagles in form of a present. The king was very pleased with the gift & decided to hire an experienced caretaker for them. He took great care of them and developed such a strong bond with those two, that they didn't need to be caged.

After few months the king decided to pay them a visit. He noticed that the two Babies had now developed into strong adolescents. The king wished to see them flying and ordered the caretaker to signal them to fly into the sky.
On receiving his signal, both eagles began to fly. One of them flew high into the sky and touched new heights, While other one flew for some seconds and returned to the branch where it was earlier sitting.

King found this little weird and asked the caretaker that why are these two so contrasting . The caretaker told the king that this one had a problem from the beginning and he would never leave the branch.
The king desperately wanted the second bird to fly high as the first one. So he announced this as a challenge in his court and stated that the person who will be successful in making the eagle fly would receive a grand prize from the king. So, many scholars and bird experts came and tried to apply the knowledge they had, But no one was successful. The king too lost hope and almost gave up.

But after few days the caretaker informed the king that one man was successful in making the eagle fly high in the sky. He was then brought before the king where the king was eagerly waiting with the promised prize. The king learnt that the man was a simple farmer. He just asked him his method he used which lot of highly qualified people didn't think about .
He said, ” I simply cut the branch. The branch on which he had an habit of sitting . As there was no branch , he had no option but to fly. And which he did very well.”

We all are meant to fly high in our life. But sometimes we underestimate our-selfs and don't realize our true potential. We are habituated to doing certain things which will always limit us. Just as the eagle didn't realize that it could actually fly so high as it always liked to remain on the branch. After the farmer had cut it,it had no option but to come out of its comfort zone and start working. Only then he realized its true potential.
Even we need to come out of our comfort zones as great things in life are only achieved out of the comfort zone in which we keep living and hoping for life to get better.

All pictures in the blog are taken from the internet, Copyright for the same rests with the respective owners
This is an improvised version of a story in circulation in social media, original author unknown

Monday, January 18, 2016

Foot board travel - neither a fashion nor a need - Prevention is possible

In every metro and emerging town we will notice one thing commonly as we commute on the roads, foot board travel by passengers in buses. Certain instances the bus would have almost touched the floor with the weight of the passengers while taking curves.

When you travel in a bus you will be hearing the conductor telling people who are hanging near the steps to come inside the bus, Generally young men who are hanging for their life, will ignore these pleas and continue to hang. This trend can be noticed in local trains also during peak hours.

While the problem of increasing the frequency of service is a need, is this alone the cause for such travel. I have witnessed plenty of times youngsters taking pride in catching a running bus, hanging on to the window panes with their feet hanging in the air etc., We do keep reading about accidental deaths of people who die after falling/slipping while traveling foot board. No doubt foot board travel is only for a brave heart, but are these brave hearts having mistaken priorities. 

Undoubtedly, with the their parents at home eagerly waiting for the safe return of their wards, is this adventure on a day in day out basis a necessity. Augmenting the service, let it be handled by the authorities, have a thought which could make some sense in this area.

How to prevent foot board travel by all under any circumstances, can technology be used to prevent it. If punishment is the intention, then, fixing cameras from the roof top near the doors and shooting all those hanging at the steps is one way, this has its own limitation of identifying people and punishing them. Being students and kids it may be little tough on them.

We can pick up the idea from how an Elevator works. When we use a lift/elevator, it will have a mention of number of passengers or total weight it can carry. If the weight exceeds, the lift refuses to move and will start beeping. It will move only if someone alights from the crowded lift to ensure the weight of passengers is within the limits prescribed. How about using this technology, if the weight on the steps is constant, then the bus will stop (steps are not meant to have passengers on them), if the solution is little more expensive to implement, then they could have a beeping noise coming once there is someone standing on the steps, automatically the driver can bring the bust to a stop and ask the passenger to either come in or get out of the bus. Having an alert mechanism should not cost much per bus and could be something which could be implemented without a hassle. There cannot be a switch which can be operated by the driver, so that he can switch it off.

Many a time prevention is better than cure, if we can ensure such an alert system, even the co-passengers will insist on these 'Foot board revelers' to either come in or get off the bus. Since there is a huge cost to a human life, it is better to have solutions.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Woes of a sudden death

Ramesh and Radha were a very happily married couple and their happiness had lasted for 10 years. If they have any worries, it is that they are yet to enjoy the parenthood. All efforts were on the way in that front.

Ramesh is working in IT industry and is a senior executive in a leading IT company, Radha too is a well educated person and she is working as a senior partner in a 'Top 4' audit company.

Ramesh being a techie, always believed in the IT protocol, he regularly changes the password of his Laptop and even the Bank account passwords are periodically changed. He used to ensure his passwords were as complex as possible. Radha though a chartered account by profession, while prescribes documentation needs to her clients, always followed that in the breach when it came to the home front.

One day at the office, Radha gets a call, asking her to rush to the hospital, because Ramesh's car met with an accident. Ramesh died in the road accident and it was a horrible crash, it was difficult for the doctors to give a shape to the body. Radha was inconsolable and had to carryout the necessary formalities with the help of the near and dear.

As she settled down to lead the normal life, the reality hit her very badly, Ramesh is no more and all the passwords of his laptop, bank accounts all gone with him. Even the laptop and the phone were badly damaged in the accident. making it more difficult to retrieve anything.

Ramesh who was just 36 at the time of his death, had never thought of writing a will, a thought that will not occur to even senior citizens and for an young man it was just not a happening thing. Few of his bank accounts had no nominees and for those which had a nominee, it was his dead mother. Nominee not changed, post her death, a thought that never occurs for young and old alike.

Radha had another problem, since Ramesh had recently shifted his department, she didn't even know
the name of the new reporting boss of Ramesh. That made it that much more difficult to deal with things at his office.

With no passwords to access his mail and his bank accounts, Radha had to depend on direct contact with the bank, there she was told that she needs to get the consent of other legal heirs, since she is not a nominee and the nominee mentioned is no longer alive. Being a child less person, the job was more difficult with the Indian laws not being too friendly for that situation. She had to get consent from lot more people than she expected and it is all not that easy for a women who had just lost her husband in a tragic accident.

To claim insurance for the car, she had to face another set of problems, before she could claim insurance, it was needed for her to change the ownership to her name, their again whole set of paperwork to prove she is the surviving and sole legal heir.

Though she was a joint owner of the flat they had purchased together, She was not considered an immediate owner, since she had to get acceptance from her husbands close relatives that they have no objections. While taking the loan for the flat purchase, they were suggested to have a insurance cover, in case of sudden demise of one of them, The suggestion was not heeded and they preferred to put the insurance money for a shorter tenure of the loan. Now the thought of paying the entire EMI with one income is something impossible.

Woes never ended there, changing the name in everything possible, like the Gas, Electricity, property tax, the list goes on, everywhere the paper work is different and always requiring the necessary NOC or legal heir certificates.

Radha being a chartered account, life was little better, imagine, someone who is less informed and educated, how much more trouble they have to undergo and whom all they have to depend on for all this. 

Radha has a bigger task ahead, being childless, she can have all kind of claimants for the properties that now she gets to own, how is she going to protect all that and more, lets look at what she did there after. Something we all should follow in our own life too

1. Check all your nominations...
(It's a usual practice to put a name (i.e in the first place if you have mentioned it) and royally forget about it. Most of us have named our parent as a nominee for investments, bank accounts opened before marriage. We have not changed the same even years after they are no longer there with us. Even your salary account usually has no nomination.. Kindly check all your Nominations.)
- Bank Accounts
- Fixed Deposits, NSC
- Bank Lockers
- Demat Accounts
- Insurance (Life, Bike or Car or Property)
- Investments
- PF Pension Forms

2. Passwords..
We have passwords for practically everything. Email accounts, Bank accounts, even for the laptop you use. What happens when your next in kin cannot access any of these simply because they do not know your password... Put it down on a paper.

3. Investments.
Every year for tax purpose we do investments. Do we maintain a excel sheet about it. If so is it on the same laptop of which the password you had not shared. Where are those physical investments hard copy.

4. Will.
Make a Will. I know you will smile even I would had I not gone through all what I did. It would have made my life lot easier a lot less paperwork. I wouldn't had to provide an indemnity bond, get it notarised, ask surety to stand up, no objections certificates from others...

5. Liabilities.
When you take a loan say for your house or car. Check out on all the what if, what if I am not there tomorrow, what if I loose my job. Will the EMI still be within my range. If not get an insurance on the loan. The people left behind will not have to worry on something as basic as their own house.

Would you like to be another Radha or a Ramesh, is it not time to act


It could be anyone of us in this situation, better act now, rather than feel bad later.

All pictures used in this blog have been taken from the net, Copyright for the same rests with the respective owners

Thursday, January 14, 2016

నాన్నకు ప్రేమతో - ఏంతో వేగం, కానీ అర్ధమౌతుందా ?

దర్శకుడు సుకుమార్ ఇంకొక సారి తన హీరో ని దెబ్బ తీశాడా ? ఈ ప్రశ్న  తప్పకుండా
తలెత్తుతుంది నాన్నకు ప్రేమతో సినిమా చూసిన వాళ్లకు.  శ్రీ వెంకటేశ్వర సిని చిత్ర వారి పెద్ద సినిమా, అత్తారింటికి దారేది తరువాత, డబ్బుకు వెనుకాడలేదు నిర్మాత, దర్శకుడు కూడా చాలా కష్ట పడ్డాడు ఈ సినిమాకి, కాని తారఖ్ కి తన 25వ సినిమా హిట్ ఇవ్వలెడెమొ.

తండ్రి పగని తీర్చిన ముగ్గురు కొడుకులు, మొత్తం లండన్ మరియు స్పెయిన్ నేపధ్యంలో ఈ సినిమా తీసారు నిర్మాతలు. సినిమా ఆద్యంతం ఉత్కంటతతొ నడుస్తుంది. కాని ఈ సినిమాని ఎంజాయ్ చెయ్యాలి అంటే టెక్నాలజీ పై కొంత అవగాహన ఉండాలి, అంతే  కాదు కొన్ని సీన్లు చూస్తుంటే, దర్శకుడు, నేనొక్కడినే నుంచి పెద్దగ నేర్చుకోలేదు అని తెలుస్తుంది.

సుకుమార్ లవ్ సినిమాలు బాగా తీస్తాడు, ఆర్య, 100% లవ్ ఒక ఉదాహరణ, నేనొక్కడినే, నాన్నకు ప్రేమతో అతని క్రియేటివిటి కి అద్దం  పడతాయి, కాని హీరో కి హిట్ ఇవ్వలేవు, కారణం జనాలకు అంత సులభంగా అర్ధం కావు.  మహేష్ బాబు చెప్పినట్టుగా ఇవి టీవి లో ప్రదర్శిస్తే జనాలు బాగా రిసీవ్ చేసుకుంటారు.

తారఖ్ ఈ సినిమా కోసం చాలానే కష్ట పడ్డాడు, హెయిర్ స్టైల్ మొదలుకొని, గెట్ అప్ అంతా మార్చాడు, తెలుగు సినిమా హీరో ఇలా కూడా ఉంటాడా అని పించేలా దర్శకుడి మాటకి తల వంచాడు. డ్యాన్స్ లు అదర గొట్టాడు, నటన గురించి పెద్దగా మనం చెప్పా వలసినది ఏమి లేదు, ఆతను  సహజ నటుడు, ప్రతి సీన్ లో రాణించాడు.

రాఖుల్ ప్రీత్ సింగ్, ఈ చిత్రం లో తను అందాలు మాత్రమె కాదు నటన కూడా ప్రదర్సించగలను అని నిరూపించింది, కొంత ఇంప్రూవ్ మెంట్ కి అవకాశం ఉన్నా కూడా, ఈ సినిమాలో తనకి వచ్చిన అవకాశం చాలా బాగా
ఉపయోగించికున్నది .

దేవి శ్రీ ప్రసాద్ మ్యూజిక్ బాగా ఉన్నది, పాటల బాణీలు బాగా కుదిరాయి.. చిత్రీకరణ కూడా బాగా వచ్చింది. 

జగపతి బాబు, ప్రతి నాయకుడుగా చాల బాగా నటించాడు, క్యారక్టర్ నటుడుగా బాగా కుదుట బడ్డాడు, మన దర్శకులు వేరే బాషల నుంచి ఈ పాత్రలకు నటులను తెచ్చే ముందు, మన సీనియర్ నటులకు అవకాశం ఇవ్వగలిగితే బాగుంటుంది. రాజేంద్ర ప్రసాద్ తనకున్న పరిదిలో, తన కౌశల్యాన్ని ప్రదర్శించాడు. 

కమెడియన్స్, మహిళా నటులు (క్యారక్టర్ నటులు) లేరనే భావనే కలిగించలేదు దర్శకుడు. 

టూకీగా కథ: ఓక తండ్రి, ముగ్గురు కొడుకులు, టెర్మినల్ వ్యాధి తో చివరి రోజుల్లో ఉన్న తండ్రి
తన కథ ని మరియు తన పగని తన పిల్లల ముందు ఉంచుతాడు , మూడవ కుమారుడు అభిరామ్ తండ్రి పగని ఎలాగైనా సాధించాలని, విలన్ కూతుర్ని ప్రేమలో పడెయ్యాలని ప్రయత్నిస్తాడు. కథ మెలికలు తిరుగుతూ అభిరామ్, ఎలా తన తండ్రిని మోసం చేసిన కౌటిల్య ని పడగొడతాడు అనేదే కథ. ఈ కథ కు ఒక మూలం, ఇక్కడ  జరిగే ఒక పని వల్ల ఫలితం ఇంకెక్కడో ఉంటుంది, ఇంకొకటి, ఎక్కడి ఎమోషన్ అక్కడే తీర్చుకోవాలి.

ఈ సినిమాకి నా రేటింగ్ **** (కాని సినిమా జనాలకు నచ్చుతుందా ?)

all pictures used in this blog are taken from the net, copyright of the same rests with the respective owners.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

'ఆవు' ని కొండ పై నుంచి తోసి వెయ్యి

ప్రాచీన కాలంలో సుదూర ప్రాంతములో ఒక తత్వ వేత్త మరియు అయన శిష్యుడు ఉండేవాళ్ళు. ఒకానొక ప్రయాణంలో వారిద్దరూ దూరంగా ఒక పూరిల్లు చూసారు.  ఆ ఇంటికి దగ్గరకు వచ్చేప్పటికి దానిలో నివసిస్తున్న ఒక పేద కుటుంబం వారికి కనిపించింది. 
చుట్టుపక్కల ఎటువంటి జన సంచారం లేని  ప్రదేశంలో ముగ్గురు పిల్లలతో ఆ పేద దంపతులు ఒక దైన్యమైన జీవితం గడపడం చూసారు, దగ్గరలో ఎటువంటి వ్యవసాయం కూడా కనిపించలేదు. వారితో ఈ తత్వ వేత్త మరియు  శిష్యుడు కొంత సమయం గడిపారు. అప్పుడు తత్వ వేత్త ఆ వ్యక్తీ తో సంభాషించ  సాగాడు 
"ఈ చుట్టూ పక్కల ఏమి లేదు, మీ జీవనం ఇక్కడ ఎలా సాగుతున్నది" అని అడిగాడు గురువు 
"ఆ ఆవు ని చూడండి, అదే మమ్మల్ని బతికిస్తున్నది" అని బదులిచ్చాడు అ కుటుంబ పెద్ద, " అది మాకు పాలిస్తుంది, దానితో మేము పెరుగు కూడా తయారు చేసుకుంటాము, మాకు మిగలగా వచ్చిన దానితో దూరంగా ఉన్న గ్రామానికి వెళ్లి అవి అమ్మి,
వాటితో సరుకులు కొని తెచ్చు కుంటాము, ఇదే మా జీవన విధానం "

వారి ఆతిధ్యానికి కృతఙ్ఞతలు చెప్పి అక్కడి నుంచి బయలుదేరారు గురు శిష్యులు. ఆ ఇంటి నుంచి దూరంగా ఉన్న మలుపు వద్ద ఆగి తత్వ వేత్త తన శిష్యుడికి ఇలా పురమాయించారు " నువ్వు వెనక్కి వెళ్ళు, ఆ ఇంట్లో ఉన్న ఆవు ని తీసుకొని రా, ఈ కొండ పై నుంచి దానిని తోసేయ్యి" 
ఈ ఎదురు చూడని పురమాయింపుతో దిక్కుతోచని శిష్యుడు అవాక్కయ్యాడు, " ఈ పని నేను ఎలా చెయ్యగలను గురూజీ, మరీ ఇంత కృతగ్ణత నా , వారి దగ్గర ఉన్నది ఆ ఆవు ఒక్కటే, దానిని ఎలా కొండ మీద నుంచి తోసేయ్యమంటారు " అని అడిగాడు 

కాని బదులుగా, తత్వవేత్త " నేను చెప్పిన పని చెయ్యి, ఆవు ని తీసుకు వచ్చి కొండ మీద నుంచి తోసేయ్యి " అని తిరిగి పురమాయించాడు. 
గురువు గారికి ఎదురు చెప్పలేక పూర్తీ అయిష్టతతో శిష్యుడు, గురువు చెప్పిన పని చెయ్యటానికి బయల్దేరాడు 

తిరిగి ఇంటి  వద్దకు వచ్చిన శిష్యుడు, నిశ్శబ్దంగా ఆవుని తీసుకొని, కొండ చెరియ వద్దకు చేరి, దానిని తోసివేసాడు. కొండ పై నుంచి కింద పడ్డ ఆ ఆవు, చనిపోయింది. 
సంవత్సరాలు గడిచాయి , ఈ సంఘటన కాని దానికి సంభందించిన బాధ కాని మరువలేని శిష్యుడు ఎప్పుడు పశ్చాత్తాపం తో బాధ పడేవాడు. వసంత ఋతువు లో ఒక రోజు, పశాత్తపంతో కుమల లేక, గురువు గారి దగ్గ్గర సెలవు తీసుకొని, ఆ పూరింటికి బయలు దేరాడు శిష్యుడు. ఆ పేద కుటుంబం ఎలా ఉన్నదో, ఎ స్తితి లో ఉన్నారో అనే ఆలోచన అతన్ని వేదిస్తూనే ఉన్నది. వీలయితే వారిని కలసి వారికి ఏదన్నా సహాయం చేయాలని నిర్ణయించుకున్నాడు శిష్యుడు . 
ఏదైతే మలుపు దగ్గర గురువు గారు అతనికి పని పురమాయించారొ  అక్కడికి రాగానే, ఆశ్చర్య పడటం అతని వంతైనది. పూరిల్లు ఉండవలసిన ప్రదేశంలో ఒక విశాలమైన సుందరమైన ఒక భవంతి కనిపించింది, ఇంటిచుట్టూ వృక్షాలు, సెలయేళ్ళు, ఎన్నో సౌకర్యాలతో ఆ ఇల్లు కనిపించింది. 
ఇదంతా చూసిన శిష్యుడికి దిక్కు తోచలేదు, తప్పకుండా, ఆ కుటుంబం ఎ పట్టణం లోనో బిక్షాటన చేసుకొని  బతుకుతుంటారు, ఎవరో ఆ స్తలాన్ని తీసుకొని ఈ భవంతి కట్టుకున్నారు అనుకోని, ఇంత  దూరం వచ్చాము కదా, వారినే అడుగుదాము అని ఆ ఇంటి వద్దకు వచ్చాడు శిష్యుడు 
ఇంటి దగ్గరకు వెళ్లి అక్కడ కనిపించిన యుక్త వయసులోని ముగ్గురు పిల్లలతో ఒకర్ని పక్కకు పిలిచి అడిగాడు " ఇక్కడ
ఇంతకూ ముందు ఒక కుటుంబం ఉండేది ముగ్గురు పిల్లలు ఉండే  వాళ్ళు" అన్నాడు శిష్యుడు 
దానికి బదులుగా ఆ కుర్రాడు " మీరు చూస్తున్నది ఆ కుటుంబాన్నే, అదిగో అక్కడ ఉన్నారు మా నాన్న  గారు "
ఏమి అర్ధం కాని శిష్యుడు ఆ ఇంటి పెద్ద దగ్గరకు వచ్చాడు, " అయ్యా కొన్ని సంవత్సరాల ముందు మా గురువు గారితో కలసి మీ ఇంటికి వచ్చాము, అప్పుడు మీరు చాలా దైన్య స్తితిలో ఉన్నారు, ఎలా మీరు ఈ స్తితికి వచ్చారు" అని అడిగాడు 
చిరునవ్వుతో ఆ ఇంటి పెద్ద ఇలా సమాధానం ఇచ్చాడు " ఆ రోజుల్లో మా వద్ద ఒక ఆవు ఉండేది, అది మెత  కోసం వెళ్లి, కొండ పై నుంచి పడి  చనిపోయినది, ఆ తరువాత ఏమి చెయ్యాల అని సతమత మైన మేము, మాకు తెలియ కుండానే ,మాలోనే దాగి ఉన్న ఇతర నైపుణ్యాలతో, ఈ రోజు ఈ స్తితికి వచ్చాము" 

ఈ కధ ద్వారా మనకి అర్ధమయ్యేది ఏమిటంటే, మనందరిలో భాందవ్యాలు అనే ప్రగతి నిరోధక అంశాలు ఉంటాయి, వాటి వల్ల మనం ముందుకు సాగలేము, ఎప్పుడైతే ఆ 'ఆవు' వంటి ఆ నిరోదకాలను మనం కొండ మీద నుంచి తోసి వెయ్యగాలమో అప్పుడే మనం ప్రగతి సాధించగలం 
మీ మనసులో కూడా ఒక ' ఆవు' (ప్రగతి నిరోధకం, మనశ్శంక) ఉందా ?, 
వెంటనే దానిని కొండ పైనుంచి తోసివేయ్యండి, మీరు జయించగలరు 

(ఇంటర్నెట్ లో వచ్చిన ఒక ఇంగ్లీష్ కధ కి తెలుగు అనువాదం) 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Joblessness is a state of Mind

Unemployment is a myth according to some, if that is the case, why are there so many who are apparently listless and jobless. At the same time there is a section who speak about lack of talented/ skilled people for the work on their hands. Where is the dichotomy.

In the Indian context, it is a noted fact that, people want things to be served on a platter literally. Was talking to a activist who is part of an NGO, which worked in certain rural districts of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, who detailed a thought process of the youth and their parents living in those places.

Thanks to the available resources, today education has been made available to all classes of people and
irrespective of their caste or social strata youngsters are completing degrees and are waiting for Government jobs. On the other side parents who have gone through the trouble of educating them, do not want to see their ward getting back in to the traditional work which the parents have been undertaking through the ages, be it farming or weaving or any other so called Chores that created the caste system in our country.

Thanks to various pay commissions, today government posts are the most sought after because, it gives the permanency for the job and very good salaries in addition to the potential of making money on the side, if one is inclined. So people are willing to stake it out by writing various talent exams and wait for the results and those who cant pass them through normal means, even are willing to buy their way through.

In spite of all these, there is a good section of people, who are 'Job Less' and they are the people whom we see getting abused at home for their status and generally cursing everyone and everything around them for their state of affairs. Are these people right, are they ever introspecting for themselves, as to why they are not able to land a job, are they simply waiting for the better job the proverbial hanging fruit which always eludes them. Most people don't introspect and those who do, generally start finding their way towards either self employment or some earning mode.

Those who don't introspect, keep cursing the system, their parents and everyone else for their state of affairs. What about these people, if you go and tell them, their plight is more to do with their 'State of Mind' will they accept it, no they wont but, that is the reality. This segment are the ones who are lured by easy money and might even end up as criminals, which could be avoided if their energies are channeled properly.

While the idea of Start up India is very ideal, like Swach Bharath, there has to be a holistic mind set change required at various levels from people, to bankers to potential investors. In addition to all these, there have to be channels for budding entrepreneurs to interact with professionals and subject matter experts, to ensure their ideas are converted into a success. Only then the job less people can become entrepreneurs and probably even provide employment to other job less people too.

In addition to all these, many people take voluntary retirements from various places including armed forces. Some of them pursue alternate employment, some people generally remain jobless because, they are yet to get a "suitable" job for themselves. This suitable job is the problem of mindset and many of them might continue to be jobless, just because they don't want to compromise on their position or earlier salary.

There are another set of people like me, who would have quit a position for pursuing enterprise or having decided to use the experience to deliver knowledge services. In the event we want to pursue a career once again we will suddenly face the lack of "qualifications" and most of the time experience does not get counted. Now, the unemployment becomes a matter of choice once again, as wanting to land up a job equivalent what was performed earlier, may or may not materialise.

If one seriously makes an effort, there are avenues to make money by either working for someone or themselves. It is that effort that is needed and of course right channelising of these efforts. Look
Various kinds of self employment on display across the world
around us we will find many a person, who makes vending his job and makes an effort to reach to people, if you don't give up you will find success, but, learning on the job is a must.

Copyright of all pictures used in this blog rests exclusively with the respective owners

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

నేను శైలజ మాత్రమె కాదు మనము చూడ తగ్గ చిత్రం

'నేను శైలజ' కొత్త దర్శకుడు కిషోర్ తిరుమల మలిచిన ఒక మంచి చిత్రం. శ్రీ స్రవంతి మూవీస్
బ్యానర్ పై రవి కిశోర్  నిర్మించిన ఈ చిత్రం కొత్త సంవత్సర కానుకగా విడుదలై ప్రజలను ఆహ్లాద పరుస్తున్నది.

 ఎమోషనల్ ఫ్యామిలి డ్రామా (కుటుంబ కధా చిత్రం) నేపధ్యం లో ఈ మద్య కాలంలో ఎంపిక చేసిన నటీ నటులను పొదుపుగా వాడుకున్న చిత్రంగా పరిగనించ వచ్చు. చిన్ననాటి జ్ఞాపకాలని ప్రేమగా మలిచి దానిలో మళ్ళా మలుపులో పెట్టి, దర్శకుడు తన ప్రతిభను చక్కగా ప్రదర్సించగలిగాడు

క్యారక్టర్ యాక్టర్లలో  సత్యరాజ్ తన సత్తా చూపించాడు. నరేష్ నేను ఉన్నాను అనిపించినా, ప్రగతి  మరియు రోహిణి వారి పాత్రలలో బాగా రాణించారు. ప్రదీప్ రావాల్ ని 'మహర్షి' పాత్రలో దర్శకుడు కొత్తగా కమెడియన్ రూపంలో చూపించి అతని ట్యాలంట్ ని బాగా వాడుకున్నాడు.

రామ్ కి ఈ మధ్య కాలంలో దెబ్బ మీద దెబ్బ తగిలి (వరుస పరాజయాలు) నిరుత్సాహంగా ఉన్న సమయంలో దొరికిన ఒక హిట్, ఈ చిత్రమ్. స్వంత బ్యానర్ పై పొదుపుగా తీసిన ఈ చిత్రం ప్రేక్షకుల మన్ననలు పొంది, చిన్నగా ఫ్యామిలి ఆడియన్స్ ని ఆకట్టుకుంటుంది. రామ్ తన నటనలో కొత్తదనం చూపక పోయినా గాని, మ్యానరిజమ్స్ మరియు చురుకుదనం తో

కీర్తి సురేష్ నటన లో ఇంకా బాగా అభివృద్ధి చెందాలి, అంత  గొప్ప అందగత్తె కాక పోయినప్పటికీ, ఫరవాలేదు అనిపించింది. డ్యాన్సులు హావ భావాలు కొంత వరకు మేరుగుపరుచుకుంటే అవకాశాలు వస్తాయి. 

ప్రదీప్ రావల్ కమేడియన్గా ఈ సినిమాకి చాలా రిలీఫ్ ని ఇచ్చాడు. తనకి ఇది ఒక కొత్త ఒరవడి. ముందు ముందు ఎలా ఈ కోణం మిగతా దర్శకులు వాడుకుంటారో వేచి చూడాలి. 

దేవి శ్రీ ప్రసాద్ సంగీతం బాగానే ఉన్నది, శైలజ శైలజ పాట బాగా ఉన్నది. 

టూకీగా కథ : హరి ఒక పబ్ లో డి జె, కనపడ్డ అమ్మాయిలందరికీ 'ఐ లవ్ యు' చెప్పే రకం, కారణం ఆరేళ్ళ వయసులో తన మొదటి లవ్ కి, 'ఐ లవ్ యు' చెప్పలేక పోవటం. తనకి అక్కో చెల్లో తెలియని ఒక కవల సోదరి, వీరిద్దరూ కుండ మార్పిడి మాదిరిగా ఒక అన్నా చెల్లి ని ప్రేమించడం, వారి ని గెలుచుకోవడానికి పడ్డ కష్టాలు, పెళ్లి, సంగీత్ , ఫ్యామిలి డ్రామా, విలనీ ఇవన్నీ మోతాదు మించ కుండా చక్కగా తీయబడ్డ ఒక కుటుంబ కథా చిత్రం 'నేను శైలజ'

నా రేటింగ్ 3.75 స్టార్స్ 

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