About Me

In life many a time we feel strongly about few incidents, happenings and wish to express ourselves, this is something which i am attempting to do. While talking about problems of the world, we should also provide what we believe as solutions, i strive to contribute my bit. I am open for other points of view and welcome them too.

14 years
I am a slow starter and probably you can call me an introvert. Having been brought up in a large family with lots of restrictions on movement in a village atmosphere, had lot of inhibitions to even make friends, there were times where many people were afraid to make friends with me.
Used to read lots of novels, Detective thrillers as a kid (all in Telugu) as my medium of education till I finished my 12th was Telugu.

Moving to Hyderabad for my graduation gave me the toughest time in life, had to undergo huge relearning process, particularly in regards to my English. Had to correct large amount of my pronunciation which is based on the Telugu text. Started reading Enid Blyton's Famous five series when i was about 15 and managed to read through the whole set. During graduation moved on to reading Harold Robins, Arthur Haley, Sidney Sheldon etc. Current favorite is John Grisham.

Love to debate, and now have more than enough of frustrated watching of our TV channels, where sound is more important than the substance.

Took to writing once this opportunity, thanks to the social media and internet was made available. Have been writing on different subjects, giving my thoughts and where ever possible give my views for improvement.

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