Sunday, November 20, 2016

Choice, Choice and _________

Having a baby is a choice
What is born to us, is not
what they grow up and achieve is not in our hands

Getting married is a choice
Whom we get married too is a choice
What is the outcome of the marriage, it becomes a choice of two, maybe more

Raising a crop is our choice
nurturing the crop again is our choice
Output from the crop is dependent on various factors including nature

Wanting to go to a destination is our choice
Choosing the mode of transport is our choice
Reaching the destination is once again not totally in our control

Having savings in cash at home, our choice
Not accounting for the same, again our choice
if hurdles come for enjoying the savings, choice that went wrong

Making statements is our choice
Ensuring they are legal, is our responsibility
Being irresponsible, has no saviours

Putting money in your account is your choice
Drawing from it is based on availability of cash
During a crisis managing with what you have is sensible

Not filing IT returns was our choice
Demonetisation was not our choice
Ruing about not having enough cash in books, is an opportunity lost

House hold savings are always a choice
Saving enough for emergencies too is a choice
But keeping it as cash, not a sensible choice

Cribbing about our government, a choice
Choosing the mode is your choice
Repercussions, Trolls thereafter is a purchased choice

Having a bank account, is a choice
Keeping money in it is again a choice
Saying I don’t have account is no excuse

Reading this is your choice
Reacting to this is your choice

Writing this is my choice

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