Monday, December 7, 2015

Down Memory lane - A Cyclone (1977) & A flood (2015)

It was in the year 1977, was studying at Kavali, living in a hostel. Good old days we had only radio for entertainment and information. One of our seniors had a radio, through which we used to listen to songs, news etc.

Come November, the constant announcement about an impending cyclone started hitting the radio waves. We were getting rains starting from 17th November, on the 18th night we were all literally holding our hearts and gathered around the radio to listen to the updates, winds were furious and the rain was lashing. We couldn't sleep with windows banging, wind howling like a fox in the forest, dark, with power loss 16-17 year olds away from respective homes had to cling on to our seniors for solace and comfort.

We wake up on the 19th morning, rain and wind moved towards the Diviseema and around us we see nothing but debris all around. Hurricane wind did its job, removed many a roof, our college class rooms had many gaping holes in it, we take a walk to the town, we couldn't recognise the railway station, there was not a single roofing sheet, if any existed, they were in tatters.

Town was another sorry story. Debris of the previous night plundering found all around, telephone and power lines cut and lying on the streets, bunk shops dislocated from their places and thrown away at a distance, it was destruction all around us. With no power we struggled our way for the next few days.

Because of the cyclonic effect the entire railway signaling system got disrupted and railways were using some methods of releasing one train after another using walkie talkie / or their own communication system. During this process, for what ever reason there was an accident near Venkateswarapuram railway station which is about 10 kms from Kavali en route to Bitragunta. Two goods and one passenger train met with an accident and fortunately with the alertness of the guard of the passenger train a major mishap was averted by stopping an express train, which was to follow.

Trains started accumulating at Stations before Kavali and on the other side at Bitragunta. Railways hired RTC buses and started transporting passengers from these two stations by bus and making them reach their destinations. To help the passengers, our Jawahar Bharati College sent both NCC and NSS members to the Kavali railway station. Our job was to help people disembark from the trains they arrive and put them in the buses and similarly help passengers who got down at Bitragunta and arrive
at Kavali by bus to get into the train. I was part of the NSS (National Service Scheme) and with another friend Rambabu (he is no more) from my class we were rendering the service. I was just not used to carrying heavy stuff, but the passengers were coming with heavy metal trunks,which looked like they hold their entire house hold articles and these boxes had to be carried across the platforms on the foot over bridges. Some passengers, used to offer us money (which we politely refused) and some used to look at us suspiciously, when we come and tell them they have to get off the train and move into a bus. language was one hell of a problem, with our own limited knowledge of English and zero knowledge of Hindi or other Indian languages other than Telugu.

We were taken by our hostel warden to see the railway accident spot, which was few kilometers from the main highway road. We went and saw the coaches and wagons thrown off the track for restoration. While going was easy because we took a ride in one of the shuttle bus services engaged by the railways, there was no guarantee we will get one back,  once we reach the road, so we decided to trek it back to Kavali by foot along the railway track. Only saving grace there were no trains running at that point of time. The walk was made interesting by our hostel Warden Sri Ameeruddin sir, who kept regaling us with stories of various kinds and was continuously joking to ensure we never felt the fatigue of the distance.

Cutting back to 2015, When I went through the continuous rainfall starting from the 30th November, night till 2nd December, early hours and started looking at the city I live going under on he morning of 2nd, I was as shocked as I was in 1977. I see that my younger days enthusiasm among the current youth in rendering help to the flood affected people, they are simply not bothered about the pain or hardship, they are only interested in helping their people in distress. A feeling which we experienced, while serving those unknown passengers of the trains. 

Difference from that day to now, is technology and improvement in communications. People are able to connect much faster, seek help and get it too. When we hear of deluge of material and suggestions floating across as to what is needed and what is not needed floating across the social media, it makes the life easier to render a meaningful service. 

If a similar rail accident happens, now, they simply cancel the trains or divert the trains, simply because, even the passengers are not tolerant and there are always exploiters lurking around to make a fast buck, like the shops which wanted to en cash on the shortage of milk by charging over the MRP even for regular customers.

One good thing was those days politicians were more humane and now they are lot more greedier for their name and fame. But people remain to be as generous with either service or money. 

Pictures used in the blog are from the net, copyright of the pictures rest with the respective owners

1 comment:

  1. Thank u sreenadh to remind the most important cyclone occurred during our teenage which affected very badly especially at diviseeme to which our ap people never forgot. I was staying at other side of udayagiri road (near tuffaan nagar) in a room along with pg students
    Still I remember that night wind waves hit the windows with huge sound during entire night.we could not go out for urinals also due to fast wind and rain.I also went to venkeswara palem where ,the place of train accident to see the scene. I still remember that we were given a writing competition on topic train accident. I was working in ncc at that time under leader ship of prasada Rao h/O umadevi madam.Mandali Venkata Krishna Rao,then minister became a hero for his his efforts in rehabilitations work at Diviseeme seema,after event.
    I have gone through your writings on various subjects and I found that you are a good writer with relevant subject stuff with good vocabulary and very good communication skills.I am the opinion that you can become a very good editor for an English daily news paper or even for Telugu news paper also.if u do not use your treasure of knowledge and communication skill ,those will be wasted in this life.I have this opinion for the last one month and disclosing for the benefit of think over it.u can do both jobs present one and Editor simultaneously. I want to see u in that role.Best of luck sreenadh
