Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Terror - Politician – Media

In the last one week we have gone through a traumatic period and have experienced terror at our doorstep. When Mr. Turner bought the gulf war into American homes we wouldn't have understood the impact, today we have been fed with live-feed of terror journalism for a period of 60 hours live and continuous barrage after that too.

We needed the info, but we didn't need the sensationalism associated with it, we did not require the competitive journalism which we were fed through this period. Newspapers were not interesting any more as all the news sounded stale after the 24 hour news casting.

No doubt our politicians had to duck for cover as they faced the public outrage for this terror at our doorstep. Some of them probably wanted to have the opportunity to give some sound bytes and were caught wanting in that area. When we critically analyse two controversies, I notice a considerable amount of sensationalism on the part of the media.

Naqvi's statement about Ladies with lipstick. I am sure most of the politicians didn't like these socialites telling them why they are not doing their job, this guy probably wanted to say something to that effect either the language failed him or we were given only the edited version making him a scrape goat. Indeed what will happen to this socialites who are making grandiose statements, will they lead the war against terrorism, will they mobilise the nation's opinion to make the politicians and bureaucrats accountable to their inactions. Once the heat is over, it might be difficult to find them except In the page 3's of the newspapers and tabloids.

Achutandan's comment, I strongly believe has been taken out of context. He goes to the slain martyrs house to pay his respects, door is slammed on his face, it is indeed a big insult for a politician, may be everyone will not be as gracious as Mr. Narendra Modi to keep quiet. This guy having been pushed by a journo, says not even a dog would have gone to that house if it was not for the slain martyr. He is indeed saying the importance is of the martyr and not his father, who shut the door on him. Now that he has apologised I believe we all have to forget the issue, but am sure two people are not going to do that are Achutandan and Major Sandeep's father.

But I believe the media did make too much noise when emotions were already running high, was it required, more so with all this diversions will we forget the main cause of making the politicians accountable.

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