Sunday, December 7, 2008

Compulsory drafting - Can India do it

Everyday we are being asked the question of what is your one suggestion to make a difference to be prepared for the next terror attack.
One of the suggestion that came up in television programs from a father who has a 11 year old son and an unmarried actress was to send their child for a compulsory drafting into the national services like it is prevalent in countries like USA, Singapore & Israel.
It is indeed a laudable thought, I shall recommend this too and I have a son who is running 18, if not for anything it will build a society which is disciplined. Before we go any further we also have to understand the difficulties in implementing this in our country.
• Huge force of youth which is unemployed
• No tracking mechanism to make out who is completing 18 years of age so that he could be called for drafting.
• Highly corrupt bureaucracy which needs to implement this
We need to first create a data base of our citizenry and issue them ID cards (I read somewhere that a trial implementation has started in few districts). This ID has to be the link for all transactions be it issue of ration cards, passport, PAN card etc. Since the technology permits we should have smart cards which will even allow DNA data also to be stored on these cards in addition to Bio Metric data. If money is a constraint we could be levied another 1% surcharge on all the taxes and am sure no one will object to it.
A deadline needs to be set to make Compulsory drafting (CD) into a law and work out a plan for the same. We have Defence forces, Para Military forces and of course police where every individual be it a boy or a girl should be drafted in for armed forces training for a period of one year (naturally this force will be a back up force when ever there is an event of war). With youth getting into the compulsory training certain values can be imbibed into them and there would be less chances of these trainees getting attracted to organisations like PWG, ULFA etc.
Best fringe benefit in this entire exercise would be more law abiding citizens and less need for Traffic cops to levy fines on errant road users and also less eve teasing on the roads.
It is up to the government to decide the period of drafting whether it should be one year or two years.
Once the database is created and a tracking mechanism is established on the movement of people (we do have a huge migration of people to where better living opportunities exist) the call for compulsory drafting has to be automatised. In addition to the officials there should be a citizens panel of people who have sent in their children to serve the nation, this body will decide if required for eliminating youngsters who are not medically fit from the compulsory drafting.
Coming to the unemployed youth, they could probably choose this to be their career if they so desire.
Important question is can the forces accommodate these many additional people I believe there would be at least 5 million Indians attaining the age of 18 every year, would they be in a position to convince the FM for the required budgets.

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