Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Can't we live together

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There was a time we talked about unity in diversity and how we Indians live like brothers and sister’s blah, blah. What is happening today is simple selfish acts of politicians which are taking the country so much behind.

World over it is the hard working and enterprising people who migrate from their home lands and move out searching greener pastures. That is how civilisations evolved and mankind spread throughout the six continents that are in, what we call as, the earth.

Today in India we are seeing situations where migrants are being seen as threat to the local people and create ruckus about the same. It is indeed necessary that when we move into a new place we need to respect the local culture and be a part of the society rather than be seen as a sore thumb. Best example that could be given is how Marwari’s merge into the local community, retaining their own cultural ethos.

Whether it is Mumbai or Bengaluru why do we make an attempt to project that outsiders are not welcome, when they play a major part in the development of that city. Why should locals only look at low paying jobs why are they not encouraged to compete with outsiders and get their due share of better paying jobs. Wouldn’t an employer prefer a hardworking local vis a vis an outsider who is a migrant.

Politicians naturally take the cudgels for the locals as they constitute a big vote bank. Any cause that is in favour of them will fetch more votes. Aren’t the locals being spoiled to imagine a cushy life and not be competitive? It is important that efforts are made to empower the locals to compete and win the jobs they deserve on merit rather than reservations. Any way we have so many categories of reservations, do we need more. If we want to be globally competitive we need to have best manpower working for the corporate and produce world class results.

If we Indians can’t live harmoniously within our country how do we expect the other countries and their populace to accept us with open arms? It is high time we all accept the reality of the global village and not give in to the petty politician.

In this case we need to look at the role media is playing, are we giving too much importance to these petty politicians to get some much wanted TRP’s. By carrying out the debates and coverage about these petty politicians and the reaction to their actions, we are making a mockery of our democracy and giving more heart burn across the nation. Like the case of Bihar’s reaction to the Mumbai problems.

Is it not time for all forward thinking people to voice their concerns across available means to condemn these petty politicians and demand to make India a peaceful place to live

1 comment:

  1. Well said, sir. But that is the way the cookie crumbles and little we commoners can do.
