Sunday, September 6, 2015

Teacher's Day Special! - By an employee of Amazon

 Is it really worth being a teacher? 

I mean...There were times in school, college when I used to think, these people have no other work! You know...the amount of homework, tests etc. which were given to us. I despised them! Then, I used to mock them whenever they missed out on an error in my test or homework. 

That used to be my opportunity to ruin their credibility! Going around the class, spreading nasty jokes and never losing a chance to gain attention! Whether it's intentionally cracking silly jokes between lectures or unfortunately forgetting to do homework, I did it to annoy the teacher! Not my fault, most of them were scary, strict and what not! I respected very few teachers for the kind of effort they put in class after class. But, somehow, always felt they were annoying and jobless too!

It all turned around when I got into Amazon's training team! I love training. I honestly do, however the kind of sacrifices we as trainers make, are sometimes not really advisable. That's when I realized that my teachers also would have made similar sacrifices, if not more! Let me give you a glimpse. 

The first sacrifice starts with their income! A sacrifice of free time, a sacrifice of family time! Did you know most teachers are an integral part of a family? They are home makers. They sacrifice their family time just to complete corrections and assessments on time for which they'll anyways be criticised! For me, it's just my notebook/test paper that I'm concerned about. For them, there are 25-30 such students in my class alone! Yet I complained when they step into the class, why can't you do your work on time!? We want to know our scores now!!!! I ensured to keep a disappointed face and not allow the class to happen. 

You know exactly how that scene is. However, In the corporate world, we don't have that pressure, but I sure can relate to it now. The sacrifices don't stop here. Teachers sacrifice staying in a physical shape. Most of them are under/over weight, stressed, bald, wrinkled, dark eyed, dull, under dressed! 

Ever wondered why? No, cos we were too busy mocking them. All this aside, there were a few teachers who came and inspired us within a few minutes! They very quickly became our favorites! They used to entertain us, yet teach us! They concentrated more on our moral values and our methods of studying than our A+ scores! They made us achieve wonders. Taught us more than just subjects. Hmmm...why the difference? Why couldn't the others do it? Inexperience? Unwillingness? Or is it because WE never gave them a chance for them to show us their complete potential? 

Think about it, when did we behave like the best students? Only during that one awesome class or throughout the day? Let me tell you a secret, when a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower! By being a good student and creating an atmosphere to learn, you'll bring the best out of any teacher! That's exactly what these awesome teachers did! They didn't change you! They changed the environment around you which in turn made learning so much fun and brought the best out of you! Now, back to the question, is it really worth being a teacher? 

YES!! Oh the joy, when people come to you and say, "if it wasn't for you, I would've hated English" or dedicate an award saying "I'd like to thank my trainer for all the efforts he's put to make me graduate!" - inexplicable. Sometimes, just seeing a student grow successfully, fills our hearts with immense happiness. In fact, the more I train, the more convinced I become that teachers are a powerful force in students’ lives with the ability to inspire greatness in our children! So, here's to wishing all the real superstars in everybody's life! For without you, we'd all be incomplete in one way or the other! Happy teacher's day! Stay blessed

(This is a post made by Bezawada Sri Prakruth an employee of in Facebook, since he is my son and i was impressed with post decided to share it with my readers)

copy right of the pictures used in this blog rests with the respective owners

1 comment:

  1. True... We have a great life because of what our teachers taught, guided and mentored us through out our educational journey. No matter what, I salute them for their service.
