Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cattle way

Our national highways started getting a direction with the quadrilateral connectivity initiated by AB Vajpayee during his prime ministership. While some of them are yet to be completed, we today have in many locations these roads being upgraded to 6 lanes. Great news for the road user.

For those who regularly use the highways danger is always a micro second away. Many lives are lost due to bad maintenance inspite of the steep toll that is collected, recklessness of the driver, people driving the wrong way to save a round about U - turn.Most threatening and unsuspected danger is from the Green dividers.

We have cattle grazing happily on the grass and plants that are grown on the divider. It could be a heavy track that might rattle it or a playful run you might suddenly find a Cow/Buffalo on your face and next thing you know either it has toppled you or you have toppled it.

The other day we were traveling on the AH45 from Chennai to Nellore and as we were on the by-pass of Sullurpet, suddenly at 100 ft distance we see a buffalo jumping from the median and running across the road in front of us. In order to avoid the collision my cousin who was driving a new Mercedes C250 started hitting the brakes and veering the car towards the left. The unmindful buffalo continued its run and came and crashed into our car on the right side. It's long horn got entangled in the front windshiled and broke and the immediate impact of the huge mammel crashing into the side broke the driver side window glass into small pieces.

By the time our car got to a stop and we recover and see around us, we see small glass pieces all over the car in our hair and everywhere possible. We look back only to see the buffalo on the road bleeding, later we got to know poor fellow died on the spot.

While we escaped with minor bruises (probably thanks to the vehicle in which we were traveling) the suddenness of the whole event got us dazed. As we later analised, we realised my cousin just escaped a major lung puncture, if only the horn got to enter the window glass instead of the front windshield.

Leaving aside all other formalities that we had to follow to get the vehicle towed back to Chennai and continue with our journey, we realised how dangerous our highways are.

I understand from a friend who is associated with road laying companies, that it is a rule that peripheral fencing is a must along the highway without any breach, however this rule is flouted by the road contractors and also conveniently overlooked by the officials of the NHAI. This is part of the contract to mainly prevent cattle to come on to the highway. Incidentally it is against the law to let cattle on to a highway. But ignored by the cattle owners as the green grass is available on the road instead of going to a far off location.

As Highway users we are paying the toll for using the road and also constantly face teh threat of something happening to us. It may be worthwhile reading this article too, about road safety on our national highways.(http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/street-experiences/144117-cattle-real-menace-indian-highways.html)

Why our highways are not fenced as per the rules.
Cant NHAI at least get the dividers fenced, to prevent cattle coming in to the middle of a highway to graze.
What action do they take against the cattle owners who allow their cattle to graze on the highways.
Is it a PD or the security patrol who is responsible for these accidents on the highways.

In a normal way these questions will go un-answered, but as road users it is better we keep a watch for these cattle running across our roads and keep ourselves safe from a collision.

(copyright of these pictures rest with the respective owners, these have been used in this article to give the reader a perspective only)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Jago Grahak Jago

Recently i had lost a mobile costing about Rs.10000-00. When i purchased this mobile i was sold insurance by the retailer saying it covers even theft.

Feeling not so sad about the loss of phone, considering that i had coverage, i went to the retailer and asked how i should go about filing for my insurance coverage. He promptly gave me a form and told where i should go and submit the same after fulfilling all the requirements.

Thought let me first read the conditions under which my mobile was covered, as they say Devil is in the detail, i realised how futile would be my effort to ask for payment under the policy.

  1. Fire
  2. Riot, Strike, Terrorist activity
  3. Theft by Unknown Person
  4. Loss or Total Damage arising out of Road Accidents only

Since my loss didn't fall under any of the above categories, decided to see what is said under exclusions.

  1. Loss due to theft or damage due to attempted theft from any unattended vehicle: So, if you leave your phone in your car and somebody steals it, then you don't get covered.
  2. Loss or damage caused while driving or traveling the insured's own vehicle: If you go in your own vehicle and have an accident, forget about the coverage, what they are telling effectively is use public transport.
  3. Loss or damage arising out of negligence, carelessness, poor care and maintenance, intentional and willful act: If the phone falls from your hand and breaks, sorry we don't cover you.
  4. Mysterious disappearance, missing, misplaced or forgotten mobile instrument: If you left it ina restaurant, Toilet, on your car roof or any such place where you are most likely to forget things, there goes your chance.
  5. Loss or damage while under the custody of a third party: If your friend, family member losses it or some one steals it from them, gone are your chances.
  6. Loss or damage due to operation of war, warlike operations and nuclear perils: Thank God, you may not fall under this category, if you do, mercy be upon you.
  7. Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, moth, vermin, atmospheric or climatic conditions or gradual deterioration, inherent defect or from any process of cleaning, repairing, renovation or maintenance: They just ensured that you don't get any coverage
  8. Loss or damage covered by supplier or dealer or under warranty: So no duplicate coverage
This will be another area where the last hopes of any chance of getting a claim settled will get doused.
Documents to be produced at the time of claim In case of Theft:

  • Duly Completed Claim
  • Immediate (not later than 48 hours) Complaint letter given by the customer to the Police, acknowledged by Police Authorities with CSR Copy / 76a / E - seva issued by Police Authorities for less than Rs.15,000/- value phone
  • F.I.R copy is MUST for Mobile Valued above Rs.15, 000/ value phone
  • Non traceable certificate issued by police authorities: This is normally not issued before six months
  • Sim Deactivation Acknowledgement or Sim Replacement (with old Sim Details) with SEAL of the service provider.
  • Original Invoice
  • Translation of Complaint Copy in English
  • Sign the claim form
  • User name should be same in claim form, Sim bill and invoice bill: This is the twist in the tale, just in case Sim that was used in the lost mobile is in any other name, other than the mobile purchaser, your claim goes for a six.

This is only one part of the story, the claim form clearly says the premium paid by us is 1.5% of the value, where as, the retailer takes from you 3% of the value, where the balance amount goes, only the retailer has to explain.

General insurance is normally worth for those who put up large size claims, this whole rip-off by the mobile/Tablet retailers by telling us our instrument is covered under insurance is another simple case of buying insurance in bulk and getting a better margin from us on their sale. 

Buyer beware.