Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are airlines no longer worried about customer service

jet-airways which operates the #Jetkonnect airline gave its passengers an experience which they would like to grudgingly forget.
9W 2735 flight on 9th November 2012 was scheduled to depart by 6AM, unusually they started boarding the passengers by 5-15AM and all of us were in the flight by almost 5-40AM. Then about 6AM an announcement comes from the first officer that the visibility at Bengaluru airport was poor and they will get their next weather update at 6.30 and asked us to bear with it.
at 6.30 the commander himself made an announcement that whether has not improved and next announcement at 7AM. again at 7 AM we were told thre is slight improvement and not enough for flight to takeoff.
In the meanwhile crew started selling breakfast to those hungry passengers, since most or all of us reached the airport by 5AM (meaning a wake up of about 3 or 3.30 AM depending where you live), suddenly by about 7.10 the main steward came and informed the cr
ew which were selling breakfast that we are rolling as weather has improved and the crew stopped selling and were getting ready for the takeoff.
An announcement was made over the PA that we are set to takeoff, that is when the drama started. Suddenly instead of closing the doors, we see passengers walking in, this drama continued till all the vacant seats got filled up.
What it meant was a flight was to leave at 8.45 and Jet decided to fill this aircraft empty seats with those who came in early. from what we understand there was no prior info that 8.45 flight was cancelled but those who came early were told that flight was cancelled and made to fly in this aircraft.
In the process our flight was delayed till about 8AM, naturally provoking angry protests form the passengers who were seated since about 5.30AM for a 40 minute flight in the aircraft.
Interesting thing was only the junior stewards were apologetic and helpless, neither the Chief steward nor the commander had any apologies to offer for those who have been patiently waiting for their flight to take off n reach them to their destination.
Jetairways probably was either reducing their loss by packing in as many passengers in to the earlier flight flight which was anyway delayed or they had over bookings for the next flight and wanted to make best of the situation.
But not even considering apologising to the passengers for this herding of next flight passengers into a already delayed flight which was scheduled for a 6AM depaprture.

This only goes to show what happens when there is not enough competition to any business to put it on its toes

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