Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Whose black money is it anyway?

This is the definition of Black money as per the on-line dictionary, for a minute, let us ignore the first part, let us focus only on the second part ‘Not declared for tax purposes’, now most of the people who are complaining /cribbing are the one’s who never thought they have to declare their income for what ever reason.

People in this category could be anyone, tuition teachers,
Tax Table for AY 2017-18
Drivers, Artisans, Tent hirers, Caterers, Small eateries, Mess operator, tailors, art & craft trainers etc., there could be thousands of categories of income earners, who never thought it as necessary to declare their incomes either within or outside the tax free limit. Let us assume for a minute, if only they had been declaring their incomes, for general public without tax exemptions there is no tax up to an income of Rs.2.5 lakhs. There are number of exemptions, which can take your income, tax free depending on the various savings and exempted expenditure. If they had been filing their returns either under the within tax free category or remit small amount as tax, just in case their incomes exceed the tax free limit, would they have so much to crib about. They could have simply walked in to the bank deposited their money and walk
out in style. Coming to withdrawals, yes there is some hardship due to lack of exchangeable currency, due to lack of smaller denomination notes and also absence of preparedness for this announcement of demonetisation.

The queues in front of the banks are primarily for the exchange scheme, which was meant for people to by pass the banking system and exchange demonetised currency to legal tender. Unfortunately the Indian jugaad, has used this option to convert as much of their stock of demonetised currency into legal tender by hiring help to do the job for them. We have thousands willing to do this task for a small fee. I have seen people like building watchmen, daily wage earners, servants etc in the queue to exchange money for someone, who wish to be anonymous.

ATM queues are another situation, we have new denominations and new note size, calibration was a
must, not considered as a challenge before the announcement or missed the attention of the think tank, ultimately, lead to long queues and frayed tempers, when the ATMs run out of money due to lack of legal tender.

When you hear some of the people complaining about the delay in the queue and not having legal tender in hand, the big question that, by passes all is, why these people didn't wish to keep the money in the banks in the first place. Instead of keeping the money at home (unsafe habit) if they had kept it in FD’s and bank savings account, then their problems would have been lot lesser. Having not done that, yes they have to wait in the queue lines. Politicians are taking advantage of this activity not considering the issue behind it. Netizens too are blasting the PM ignoring the fact millions of middle class come under category 2 of the Black money definition.

Bribe takers, tax evaders (other taxes) all these people are finding alternate ways to by pass the restrictions, finding ways to seek the black-sheep in the banking system just to exchange their demonetised notes to new notes, lack of availability of new notes is certainly hampering this particular activity. If only 2000, 500, 100 notes were available, we would have had many neo rich people from the banking sector.

Fast thinking politicos and business people managed to take calculated risk and bought Gold n other precious metals on the 9th & 10th. Most of those waiting for an opportunity to use their banking contacts, kind of got jacked, because of lack of availability of legal tender. Many a political party and their leaders got struck with a big apple in their throat, so best thing they have started blaming the plight of people as a reason for their opposing the demonetisation move. But alas, people didn't agree with them.

No doubt, there are hardships, people have the money but not able to use it, people celebrating marriages suddenly found themselves in awkward situations, without legal tender and not enough tax paid money in the bank. Gali janardhan Reddy might be an exemption, leading to major speculation about his spending capability.

Everyday we are reading news about money being caught in transit, Bank officials being arrested for participating in illegal exchange, Robbers running away with money waiting to be exchanged. What does it tell us, there is enough money people are not willing to just dump but trying all possible means to convert it into legal tender. Now, can we call this black money or hard earned money.

People who have been tagged and noticed as high net worth, have already changed their habits and started accounting all their major to minor expenditure and more so maybe their ability to earn is much higher and most cases tax free thanks to expert advice from tax consultants. Middle class, never assumed they have to account for their earnings, except the salaried class, who were anyway receiving TDS deducted money. That leaves us with tax evaders, bribe takers, these are the people, who are generally sitting on free money (hard earned some might still call it) now these people have been caught with their pants down, how well they can manage is to be seen. One biggest advantage for these people is, they can start all over again charging a 'CESS'.

It is going to take time for the fake note printers to get into the act, since the features that have been let out so far are only few and there are many hidden features too in the new high denomination notes and by the time fake notes start coming in, we do not know, what new steps this government will take.

Will India change and move towards a more compliant economy or continue its way of believing in cash economy, only the future will tell us and the year 2017 is going to be very exciting for all those hopefuls, nay sayers can never see anything in optimistic way, for them it will not matter.

*Some of the pictures used in this blog are taken from the Internet and the copyright of those pictures solely rests with the respective owners.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Choice, Choice and _________

Having a baby is a choice
What is born to us, is not
what they grow up and achieve is not in our hands

Getting married is a choice
Whom we get married too is a choice
What is the outcome of the marriage, it becomes a choice of two, maybe more

Raising a crop is our choice
nurturing the crop again is our choice
Output from the crop is dependent on various factors including nature

Wanting to go to a destination is our choice
Choosing the mode of transport is our choice
Reaching the destination is once again not totally in our control

Having savings in cash at home, our choice
Not accounting for the same, again our choice
if hurdles come for enjoying the savings, choice that went wrong

Making statements is our choice
Ensuring they are legal, is our responsibility
Being irresponsible, has no saviours

Putting money in your account is your choice
Drawing from it is based on availability of cash
During a crisis managing with what you have is sensible

Not filing IT returns was our choice
Demonetisation was not our choice
Ruing about not having enough cash in books, is an opportunity lost

House hold savings are always a choice
Saving enough for emergencies too is a choice
But keeping it as cash, not a sensible choice

Cribbing about our government, a choice
Choosing the mode is your choice
Repercussions, Trolls thereafter is a purchased choice

Having a bank account, is a choice
Keeping money in it is again a choice
Saying I don’t have account is no excuse

Reading this is your choice
Reacting to this is your choice

Writing this is my choice

Saturday, November 12, 2016

How effective is social media?

It seems to be very effective in spreading the negative news much faster and more purposefully.

Let's look at some instances in the recent past, the biggest news break was the Nano chip in the Rs.2000-00 note, that was scheduled to be released in Feb 2017. Scared the shit out of many and even few channels ran news stories around it, apparently without even verifying the news. Later on thanks to the demonetisation, notes got released earlier and we realise there is no chip. When our own phones don't work without signals, how did people expect chips without power source sending signals for indefinite periods from distances below the surface up to 10 ft.

All the talk of people getting affected due to demonetisation weddings, hospitalisation, death, travel etc no doubt people will get inconvenienced, when such big moves take place. It is the Indian Jugad which has to help them, in such times. But what is baffling is we give so much publicity to these and make it sound as if, these don't happen in normal times or under Force Majeure conditions like earthquakes, cyclones, floods etc.

Similarly, we have so much of false info being presented to us, wherein we are unable to judge and make out which is genuine and which is false. I saw a WA message on Urjit Patel & Jio connection, How Banks balance sheet will improve with this demoetisation etc. When I questioned back people who forwarded me, they don't have answers or they agree with my view point and say it was an error forwarding the stuff.

It is indeed a problem for all of us who start reacting to all the news that floats on the net and without verifying make comments or accusations, like in the case of the alleged daughter of a BJP leader holding 10 bundles of Rs.2000 notes, without even bothering to note value is not one million but 2 million for those notes. It turns out this man in question does not have a daughter. How quickly the news got spread, the girl in the picture must have cursed for sharing it with her friends, her proud moment turning out to be a nightmare.

2014 elections BJP used this medium very effectively to run their campaign and today is forced to defend itself, when others are using the media for their purposes. Unfortunately, this exercise is causing many to feel insecure in their own nation as they have started seeing things with magnifying glasses and are forced to believe the stories.

We see the creative photo-shop work being put to good use in social media with lots of malice at the regional level too. This is evident among the followers of two regional parties in AP TDP & YSRCP. We see a huge amount of dirty tricks being played by the followers to the extent one doesn't know who is telling the truth.

In the process anyone who tries to reason out will be either called a secularist, Bhakt or a patriot. So be prepared to be branded when you want to be active in the social media in addition to be trolled either way.