Thursday, October 31, 2013

Misuse of laws

It is necessary to bring in good laws to help the affected, how ever it is necessary to ensure these laws are not misused.

Let's look at some of the laws which are being widely misused.

Dowry harassment law : while the intention is to give necessary protection to the lady who falls victim of the wily in-laws, it has been seen the same law being used to extract ransom from the grooms parents even in situations where boy's family could be innocent. This is particularly seen in the richer class.

SC/ST atrocities act : This law was designed to protect the down trodden from heinous crimes inflicted on them by the feudal society. This law today has become the easiest tool to harass any one in the rural India. Even cops are willing tools to file cases as it gives them a chance to collect ransom from the so called accused. These charges are very difficult to prove as the accuser needs to bring in five independent witnesses who can testify against the accuser. Since no one wants to go to jail to protect their image, people end up paying up the cops. Keeping this weakness in mind, savvy people from these oppressed classes keep threatening to file atrocities case.

Just to imagine that we are heading towards an act on communal riots, where a person from the majority community is automatically considered as the aggressor and acted against by the law. It is for him to prove his innocence.

Already with jails filled with under trials who are waiting for bail or those whose lives are constrained due to bail terms, one needs to wonder is the intention being served for which these  laws are passed.

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