Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cattle way

Our national highways started getting a direction with the quadrilateral connectivity initiated by AB Vajpayee during his prime ministership. While some of them are yet to be completed, we today have in many locations these roads being upgraded to 6 lanes. Great news for the road user.

For those who regularly use the highways danger is always a micro second away. Many lives are lost due to bad maintenance inspite of the steep toll that is collected, recklessness of the driver, people driving the wrong way to save a round about U - turn.Most threatening and unsuspected danger is from the Green dividers.

We have cattle grazing happily on the grass and plants that are grown on the divider. It could be a heavy track that might rattle it or a playful run you might suddenly find a Cow/Buffalo on your face and next thing you know either it has toppled you or you have toppled it.

The other day we were traveling on the AH45 from Chennai to Nellore and as we were on the by-pass of Sullurpet, suddenly at 100 ft distance we see a buffalo jumping from the median and running across the road in front of us. In order to avoid the collision my cousin who was driving a new Mercedes C250 started hitting the brakes and veering the car towards the left. The unmindful buffalo continued its run and came and crashed into our car on the right side. It's long horn got entangled in the front windshiled and broke and the immediate impact of the huge mammel crashing into the side broke the driver side window glass into small pieces.

By the time our car got to a stop and we recover and see around us, we see small glass pieces all over the car in our hair and everywhere possible. We look back only to see the buffalo on the road bleeding, later we got to know poor fellow died on the spot.

While we escaped with minor bruises (probably thanks to the vehicle in which we were traveling) the suddenness of the whole event got us dazed. As we later analised, we realised my cousin just escaped a major lung puncture, if only the horn got to enter the window glass instead of the front windshield.

Leaving aside all other formalities that we had to follow to get the vehicle towed back to Chennai and continue with our journey, we realised how dangerous our highways are.

I understand from a friend who is associated with road laying companies, that it is a rule that peripheral fencing is a must along the highway without any breach, however this rule is flouted by the road contractors and also conveniently overlooked by the officials of the NHAI. This is part of the contract to mainly prevent cattle to come on to the highway. Incidentally it is against the law to let cattle on to a highway. But ignored by the cattle owners as the green grass is available on the road instead of going to a far off location.

As Highway users we are paying the toll for using the road and also constantly face teh threat of something happening to us. It may be worthwhile reading this article too, about road safety on our national highways.(http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/street-experiences/144117-cattle-real-menace-indian-highways.html)

Why our highways are not fenced as per the rules.
Cant NHAI at least get the dividers fenced, to prevent cattle coming in to the middle of a highway to graze.
What action do they take against the cattle owners who allow their cattle to graze on the highways.
Is it a PD or the security patrol who is responsible for these accidents on the highways.

In a normal way these questions will go un-answered, but as road users it is better we keep a watch for these cattle running across our roads and keep ourselves safe from a collision.

(copyright of these pictures rest with the respective owners, these have been used in this article to give the reader a perspective only)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Jago Grahak Jago

Recently i had lost a mobile costing about Rs.10000-00. When i purchased this mobile i was sold insurance by the retailer saying it covers even theft.

Feeling not so sad about the loss of phone, considering that i had coverage, i went to the retailer and asked how i should go about filing for my insurance coverage. He promptly gave me a form and told where i should go and submit the same after fulfilling all the requirements.

Thought let me first read the conditions under which my mobile was covered, as they say Devil is in the detail, i realised how futile would be my effort to ask for payment under the policy.

  1. Fire
  2. Riot, Strike, Terrorist activity
  3. Theft by Unknown Person
  4. Loss or Total Damage arising out of Road Accidents only

Since my loss didn't fall under any of the above categories, decided to see what is said under exclusions.

  1. Loss due to theft or damage due to attempted theft from any unattended vehicle: So, if you leave your phone in your car and somebody steals it, then you don't get covered.
  2. Loss or damage caused while driving or traveling the insured's own vehicle: If you go in your own vehicle and have an accident, forget about the coverage, what they are telling effectively is use public transport.
  3. Loss or damage arising out of negligence, carelessness, poor care and maintenance, intentional and willful act: If the phone falls from your hand and breaks, sorry we don't cover you.
  4. Mysterious disappearance, missing, misplaced or forgotten mobile instrument: If you left it ina restaurant, Toilet, on your car roof or any such place where you are most likely to forget things, there goes your chance.
  5. Loss or damage while under the custody of a third party: If your friend, family member losses it or some one steals it from them, gone are your chances.
  6. Loss or damage due to operation of war, warlike operations and nuclear perils: Thank God, you may not fall under this category, if you do, mercy be upon you.
  7. Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, moth, vermin, atmospheric or climatic conditions or gradual deterioration, inherent defect or from any process of cleaning, repairing, renovation or maintenance: They just ensured that you don't get any coverage
  8. Loss or damage covered by supplier or dealer or under warranty: So no duplicate coverage
This will be another area where the last hopes of any chance of getting a claim settled will get doused.
Documents to be produced at the time of claim In case of Theft:

  • Duly Completed Claim
  • Immediate (not later than 48 hours) Complaint letter given by the customer to the Police, acknowledged by Police Authorities with CSR Copy / 76a / E - seva issued by Police Authorities for less than Rs.15,000/- value phone
  • F.I.R copy is MUST for Mobile Valued above Rs.15, 000/ value phone
  • Non traceable certificate issued by police authorities: This is normally not issued before six months
  • Sim Deactivation Acknowledgement or Sim Replacement (with old Sim Details) with SEAL of the service provider.
  • Original Invoice
  • Translation of Complaint Copy in English
  • Sign the claim form
  • User name should be same in claim form, Sim bill and invoice bill: This is the twist in the tale, just in case Sim that was used in the lost mobile is in any other name, other than the mobile purchaser, your claim goes for a six.

This is only one part of the story, the claim form clearly says the premium paid by us is 1.5% of the value, where as, the retailer takes from you 3% of the value, where the balance amount goes, only the retailer has to explain.

General insurance is normally worth for those who put up large size claims, this whole rip-off by the mobile/Tablet retailers by telling us our instrument is covered under insurance is another simple case of buying insurance in bulk and getting a better margin from us on their sale. 

Buyer beware.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ATM Protection

With the recent attack on a female customer of a bank, lot of noise is being made about lack of security at the ATM's. No amount of security can actually prevent these attacks with each mode having it's own lacunae.

While it might be impossible to bring in a total fool proof system for protecting the customers using the ATM, i have few thoughts which might help deter the potential attackers.

Shutter Lock system: A simple method is to create a mechanism to lock the shutter when it is open so that it cannot be pulled down the way it was done by the attacker in the recent incident at Bangalore. A slightly advanced method could be as follows.

Each shutter would be fixed with anti pull down mechanism either on one side or on both sides of the shutter. These would be something like number locks, which will lock or unlock only with authorised persons pressing the required combination to either lock or unlock. Authorised person are Bank Employee, Cash handling company or security company supervisor. Only these people will be given the password either to lock or unlock. A internal system of changing the combination periodically once in 15/30 days can be devised.

This devise is fitted in such a way that a retractable obstacle would open once the device is locked and this device would be placed at a height where the shutter could comfortably be stopped without creating obstacle for movement of people to-fro to the ATM. Either one or two units on either side of the shutter can be positioned. This locking device could have a inbuilt Alarm mechanism. In the event any forceful attempts are being made (more than 3 times) this device will trigger a Siren which can start belching and further additions can be considered like sending an alert to the nearest Police station with a GSM chip inserted in it.

This is being suggested with an assumption that no bank would like to pull down its ATM shutters and would like to function 24/7. In the event they need to fill cash carryout maintenance etc then the authorised person have the password to use the same to pull the shutter half drawn.

Panic Button: One could consider placing a panic button at a height of about 5 feet (to prevent children from fooling around) somewhere in the ATM room or to the machine itself. In case of an attack the person under attack can press the button which will set out a 'Siren' and or a alert to the nearest Police station. Location of the Panic button can be highlighted with a board clearly mentioning the purpose.

Location of the ATM: It is important that all ATM's should be in such places where there is proper lighting, crowd movement. They should not be permitted to be opened in bi lanes just to ensure visibility and access. Any higher rent paid by the bank for locating the ATM on a main road can be recovered in terms of advertisement mileage they get with their bill board.

Either the locking system or the Panic button may not cost more than one month wages of a security person.

Lets hope something in these lines will be done. If there are better methods, then they should be initiated and implemented.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Corruption & Common man

Oxford Dictionary defines corruption as a 'dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery', and Bribe is defined as 'dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one’s favour by a gift of money or other inducement' .

We are all proud common men who will berate the politicians about the corruption and take potshots at them through social media and other means. However, how much are we to blame, is our hand clean in this regard. There are few instances of corruption we all indulge in,

  • Not insist on a bill, if the store keeper tells we save on tax
  • Jump the queue to either to get a ticket or food
  • Be silent on subsidies we enjoy, though we don't deserve them (free TV, ration sugar, LPG/Kerosene.... list goes on)
  • Buy something without verifying the claims, because we get a discount/free gift 'only for the day kind' (Campa Cola Campus in Mumbai is a fit case)

These are something which we the common man indulge in our own lives everyday and still say these are trivial matters when it comes to large scale corruption by our politicos n babus. But is this not the same trend that they are following albeit in a larger scale.

Primarily it looks like corruption is part of our DNA, just like violating the rules is part of our DNA. How can we expect our next generation not to indulge in corrupt practices when, they see corruption within ourselves.

While politicians and Babu's take the cake in terms of corruption, just because they are in a position to influence policy, today no body seems to be exempt from the corrupt practices. One of the noblest professions, medical practices is the worst in terms of corrupt practices. Today doctors get commissions on tests that they prescribe, referrals they make to bigger hospitals, free trips on medicines they prescribe in the guise of medical conferences. All these in addition to various gifts that are handed over by the sales reps, when they come to meet the doctor to introduce/remind about their products.

The so called fourth estate, Media accepts gifts during press briefings, accepts envelops filled with cash from corrupt officers, advertisements in lieu of not exposing corporates, is this not corruption? What moral authority they can exercise to question other people indulging in corruption.

Now it comes to us,
  • when we build renovate our homes, many a time we do not even submit a plan for approval, even if we do, we don't follow it and deviate to the extent it is convenient to us. We place our building material on the road (inconveniencing the others), pay bribes to the officers who call on us to stop the irregularities so that they can have a nelson eye on our deviations. How much are we contributing to the corruption of the system, if there is a danger of demolition, we run to the politician who can influence the officer, and in turn are forced to keep quiet when the politician indulges in a bigger corrupt practice.
  • When a cop catches us for traffic violation we prefer to induce him to take a bribe rather than pay the penalty and come on record.
  • We are ready to pay bribes left right n centre to get our work done, be it a driving licence, ration card or anything for that matter. We also say we are forced to do this because we are left with no choices.
The system is so bad, we see corruption spreading to the lowest levels, a voter has no qualms of taking money, liquor, gifts etc to vote for a particular candidate, today they are taking from all candidates and splitting the votes of the family to all those who have paid (this much honesty is still there), A parking centre assistant is willing to take cash in lieu of a receipt, A railway TT will allow you to travel A/C class on a ordinary ticket if you share the fare difference with him, A banquet manager will give less number of plates count to his management, for the party you host, if you take care of him. This list can go on and on.

Government has no qualms of black marketing in the name of 'Tatkal' by creating a shortage and asking us to pay extra for early delivery. Look at the case of Telephones at one point of time we were paying Rs.16000 for a telephone connection officially to the government because connections were hard to get, today with plenty of availability the telecom companies come to us luring with offers. Same thing with Maruthi cars, today after liberalisation and plenty of models to chose from, we do not have to pay 'Tatkal' money to get a car. However this black-marketing is still on with railways, wonder when will that ever get removed. This i believe is as good as speed money/Bribe since we are paying extra money to get a out of turn benefit.

With corruption all around us and we being active apart of it, what is the solution.
  1. Bring in transparency in all government activity
  2. All allotments, plan approvals, decision making should be made available in a transparent manner to all, by putting it up on the internet.
  3. No out of the line allotments irrespective of influence, even we the people should desist from asking and be prepared to wait.
  4. Direct remittance of subsidy to the beneficiary bank account rather than doles, as it is today
  5. APMC yards should put up prices on the net, reach out to farmers by SMS about the prices, so that the middle men do not take the farmers for a ride.
  6. Every govt office to have a citizen's charter detailing how many days for each work
  7. All bureaucrats who are involved in decision making be the first to be made accountable when there is a fraud detected.
  8. All corporates indulging in corruption by offering bribes should be barred from selling/offering their products/services in the market for a period of 6 years
  9. If a Judicial officer is caught for corruption, death penalty straight away on conviction, irrespective of the quantum of the misdeed.
  10. Any politician convicted on corruption/ Disproportionate assets charges, should be barred from contest for any election/post along with his/her family members for a lifetime.

One might say, is this all possible, may be could be, first lets change to ask for the change

Monday, November 4, 2013

Whose bus is this anyway?

Thanks to the increasing popularity and convenience of booking tickets online, we notice more number of people preferring to buy tickets in private buses than state road transport buses.

Options on private buses are many in terms of comfort, compared to the state run buses, except for some innovative transport corporations like KSRTC (Karnataka). They pick you at many points, they drop you at many points and staff are generally courteous except during holiday season.

First question that comes to the mind is why these buses are not treated like regular stage carriages and brought under the rules of stage carriages, so that the passenger safety is given a bigger seat. In the light of Hyderabad - Shirdi bus accident and the recent Bangalore- Hyderabad bus inferno issue, we notice that RTA authorities carrying out major checks and even media going about calling the operators as 'Transport Mafia'. These acts do not give solace to the dead peoples families nor prevent future accidents.

When the tickets are sold online clearly stating that the bus is a stage carriage, then what prevents the RTA to treat them accordingly.

Few points that could be considered for action:

  1. Providing space for private bus operators to operate their buses in a regulated manner, instead of these buses starting from where ever they wish. Many a country private n public transport shares the same bus stands.
  2. Ticket pricing needs to be monitored particularly during the festive rush when the operators fleece people. In the recent times in AP, when RTC employees went on strike seeking to keep the state united, the private operators had a field day, jacking up the fares.
  3. Delivery of promised comfort: passengers are sold tickets but provided with alternate accommodation or less than what has been promised and refunds are arbitrary too.
  4. All transport corporations both private and public should be asked to submit a passenger manifest to the RTA online and any tickets that are issued to passengers post departure from the main place should be issued through handheld machines which should be GPS connected to ensure info is shared with the operator and the RTA. This would help to have a track on the actual number of passengers on board, to remove any uncertainties. (There was a speculation on how many passengers were actually traveling in the ill fated Jabbar travels bus, which got burnt on the eve of Diwali)
  5. Once these buses come under stage carriage act, they could be regulated in terms of number per route, timing of departure, pricing of tickets etc

In the recent instance of Bus inferno the owner of the bus says he has leased the bus to another operator just after 5 days of purchase (???), hence he is not liable, till date no statement has come from the operator who organised the trip. But lives were lost and nothing can give solace to the families of those who perished in this inferno.

What is most significant is more than 100 buses were seized after the incident in AP alone, no details of what violations these buses were seized for, what happened to these buses after that. Probably we need to make an RTI application to elicit the info. Why the info cannot be posted on the web as to why a bus has been seized and on what circumstances it has been released.

It may be true, we the passengers do not show enough interest to know, whether the bus in which we are traveling does have a permit and is actually allowed to ferry us across to our respective destinations. A simple information board should be displayed in every bus in the form of a sticker pasted on one corner of the windshield, which will tell us, what kind of permit, who is the owner of the bus (even taxis are asked to carry the details on the body of the car), contact nos, Route on which the bus is allowed to ferry passengers. No of passengers the bus is allowed to carry.

Obviously nothing of this sort would be done since there is enough moola to be made by everyone in the game. Bus Registration nos are rented (multiple buses will operate with the same registration number, probably in different routes, one permit/tax for multiple routes), Luggage is carried in violation of the passenger carriage rules, Capacity violations, speed violations etc.

So MVI to Road Transport Commissioner, of course the Minister will all be the beneficiaries in this ring and no state probably would be an exception. When the entire system is in the ring, why should they spoil it for themselves.

Except for some noise made by the union leaders of the transport corporations (who in turn are silenced by sharing the spoils) no concrete effort is made to stop the menace, since the fourth estate too is now a days as corrupt as the other three estates, we the people get nothing but couple of days of noise till the next accident.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Misuse of laws

It is necessary to bring in good laws to help the affected, how ever it is necessary to ensure these laws are not misused.

Let's look at some of the laws which are being widely misused.

Dowry harassment law : while the intention is to give necessary protection to the lady who falls victim of the wily in-laws, it has been seen the same law being used to extract ransom from the grooms parents even in situations where boy's family could be innocent. This is particularly seen in the richer class.

SC/ST atrocities act : This law was designed to protect the down trodden from heinous crimes inflicted on them by the feudal society. This law today has become the easiest tool to harass any one in the rural India. Even cops are willing tools to file cases as it gives them a chance to collect ransom from the so called accused. These charges are very difficult to prove as the accuser needs to bring in five independent witnesses who can testify against the accuser. Since no one wants to go to jail to protect their image, people end up paying up the cops. Keeping this weakness in mind, savvy people from these oppressed classes keep threatening to file atrocities case.

Just to imagine that we are heading towards an act on communal riots, where a person from the majority community is automatically considered as the aggressor and acted against by the law. It is for him to prove his innocence.

Already with jails filled with under trials who are waiting for bail or those whose lives are constrained due to bail terms, one needs to wonder is the intention being served for which these  laws are passed.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ఆంధ్రోడి గోడు

అరవయ్యెల్ల కింద వచ్చింది మొదటి తెలుగు రాష్ట్రం
మూడెల్లలొ కలిపారు మరో పది జిల్లాలు, అయ్యిందది ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశం
మరో పదమూడు ఎళ్ళకు పుట్టింది ఒక ముసలం
మర్రి చెన్నన్న కావలన్నాడు ప్రత్యేక రాష్ట్రం

ముల్కీ రూల్స్ అన్నారు, చల్లార్చారు ఒక సెగ
రగిలింది ఇంకోక మంట, వద్దు వద్దు ముల్కీ, కావలి మాకు మా ప్రత్యేక ఆంధ్రా
తెచ్చింది ఇందిరమ్మ జోనల్ ఫార్మూల, అనింది కలిసి ఉండరా తెలుగొడా అని
సద్దు మణిగింది, దేశమంతా తూ అన్న, వేశాడు ముద్ర తెలుగోడు, ఇందిరమ్మ మేమంతా నీ వెంటే

రామారావు అంట, రంగులోడంట, ఆత్మాభిమానం అన్నాడు, చూరగొన్నడు తెలుగోడి మదిని
ఒరే పటేల, పట్వారి చెల్లింది మీ కాలం, పొండిరా మీ ఇంటికి అన్నాడు ఎంటివోడు
ఊపిరి పీల్చారు సన్న జనం తెలంగాణా అంతటా, దొరకెమో రగిలింది ముడ్డి కింద మంట
కడుపు మంట తోటి ఉన్నాడు దొర, కాశాడు రాదా నాకు టైము అని

తోశాడు పిల్లని, పదవిని ఇచ్చిన మామని, చాలింక నీ పాలన, చూడు నేను చేస్తాను పాలన
ఇవ్వలేదు ఈ చంద్రుడు అ చంద్రుడికి పదవి, కోపమొచ్చింది దొరకి, అన్నాడు, చూడు నా తడాఖా
ఎత్తాడు జెండా, అన్నాడు కావాలి మా తెలంగాణ, రగిల్చాడు కొత్త మంట
నమ్మారు జనాలు తియ్యని మాటలు, అనుకొన్నారు ఆంధ్రోడు దొంగ అని

మా పదవులు, మా భూములు, మా నీళ్ళు అన్ని దోచేశారు వలస వచ్చిన ఆంధ్రోడు
వాడు పోతే అంతా మనదేనంటా, బాగు పడును మన బతుకులు ఇక ముందంటా
కసాయి ని నమ్మిన గొర్రె ఒలె, అన్నారు నా ప్రాణం నీదన్న, ఎంత మందిమైనా చస్తాము
కావాలన్న మన పాలన, మన రాష్ట్రము చూడాలన్న సుఖములను

నడిపాడు కేసీఅర్ పుష్కర పోరాటము, నడిచాడు వెయ్యి మంది శవాల పై
తొడయ్యింది సొనియా తన బిడ్డ బాగు కోసం, మరిచింది తన అత్త మాట, ఇచ్చింది తెలంగాణ
ఎడ్చాడు ఆంధ్రోడు ఇదెక్కడి న్యాయం, నే పడ్డ కష్టం, నా బతుకు అయనే బుగ్గి
వోట్లేసిన పాపానికి జరిగింది సరియైన శాస్తి,  రోడ్డెక్కాడు న్యాయం, న్యాయం అని

నమ్మిన నాయకుడు, రాలేదు అక్కరకి, ఇక పై ఎవర్ని నమ్మలో తెలియని దుస్తితి
దేవున్ని మొక్కుదాం అంటే లేక పొయె బస్సులు, చేద్దాం పని అంటే బందులే బందులు
దిగమింగాడు కష్టాలన్ని, ఉంచమన్నాడు రాష్ట్రాన్ని సమైఖ్యంగా
ఉన్నారా ఎవరన్న వీడి గోడు వినా, అంతా అయిపొయిందా తెలుగోడి సఖ్యత

Song on present state of affairs in Andhra Pradesh, my home state

నీ బిడ్డ కోసం కల గన్నవా సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మేమంత నీ బిడ్డలం కాదా ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
రెండు సార్లు నీ పార్టీకి ఓట్లెసి గెలిపించినాం ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మా ఎంపీల దన్ను తొ చేసావు దోపిడి ఈ దేశాన్ని సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

మా పెద్దొల్లు చెప్పారు తెలుగు మీ ఇటలీయన్ అంత తీపని, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మా అమయాక తెలుగు జనం నమ్మారు అదే నిజం కాబోలు అని, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
నువ్వు ఇటలీ మేము తెలుగు ఆహ కుదిరింది మంచి లింకు అని, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
ఆడావుగదా మహా తల్లి, ఓ ఆట మా తెలుగు వాళ్ళ బ్రతుకులతో ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

బాశారు అశువులు, మా తెలుగు బిడ్డలు వెయ్యకు మించి, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
వేశావు కమీటులు లెక్కకు మించి, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
కాని ఏ కమిటి చెప్పింది మా బతుకులతో ఆడమని, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
తొక్కావు తుంగలో శ్రీ క్రిష్న కమిటీ నివేదికని ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

ఎక్కారు రోడ్డు పై మా ఆడవాళ్ళు, మా చంటి బిడ్డలు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
వీధికేక్కారు మా చదువుకునె బిడ్డలు, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
ససేమిరా అన్నారు మా ఉద్యోగ సొదరులు   ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మా కలల మాటెమిటీ ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

నా బిడ్డకు నేను గన్న కలే ముఖ్యం అన్నావు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మీ బిడ్డలు, మీ కలలు ఎటు పొతే నా కేమిటి, అన్నావు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మీ అత్త ఇందిరమ్మ నమ్మింది మేమంతా ఒకటిగా బతకాలని ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
అత్తా లేదు దుత్తా లేదు నా మాటె ఇక పై చెల్లు అన్నావు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

డూడూ బసవన్నలు మా మంత్రులు, ఎంపీలు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
ఆడారు నీ మాటకు నాట్యం, చేసారు నువ్వు చెయమన్నదల్లా, ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
పాపం చూసారు ఈ రోజు, ప్రజా ఆగ్రహం   ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
ఇల్లు ఎక్కడొ, వాళ్ళు ఎక్కడో దిక్కు తొసక ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

మా చంద్రన్న, జగనన్న తిట్టుకున్నరు నువ్వేంత నువ్వేంత ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
మా కిరణన్న ఎగరేసిండు తిరుగుబాటు జెండా ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
నీ కాడ తోక ఊపిన సత్తెన్న పెట్టిండు పోలీసుల్ని ఇంటికి కాపలా ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
ఈ నాయకుల్ని నమ్మిన మా బతుకుల్ని కాలరాయకె ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

మాది తెలుగు, నీది ఇటాలి, బాషలు రెండు గొప్పవే తల్లి ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
చెయవే మా బతుకులు బాగు బాగు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
విడదీసి న్యాయం చేస్తవో, కలిపుంచి బాగు పరుస్తవో ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో
కాని చూడకే తెలుగోడి కోపాన్ని, బగ్గుమంటది నీ  కాంగ్రేస్సు ఓ సొనియమ్మో, అమ్మో సొనియమ్మో

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Picking n choosing

In the increasing competitiveness and with social media being very active, there is one danger that is flying all around us, i.e., ‘misinformation’.

Our media is picking, in their hurry to be the first to ‘Break the news’, selective words from a speech, statement of a politician, celebrity etc., and going to town with that selective message. This message gets in turn picked up by the social media and there comes the whole world of opinions, views, innuendos and abuses.

Let us look at the context of ‘Toilets before temples’ statement by Narendra Modi, I cannot understand what is wrong in saying in the 21st century our women are still forced to faecate in the open and our men do it brazenly, all this for want of proper toilets.

Now, we have statement from leaders condemning, NaMo’s statement, how can he equate toilets to temples, someone saying, now, why don’t you criticise him because you criticized me when I spoke about toilets. What is the context in which this statement was made, who the audience were, listening to the speech, how relevant was this message to that particular audience, no one is bothered about all these material facts. Either you abuse or praise based on which bank of the river you are seated on the selective information that has been flashed in front of them.

Today unfortunately media has its own agenda, and are sometimes found pushing their agenda at any cost. This is the biggest problem we as people are confronted with. When information is provided in a twisted manner, you will read n understand the message as conveniently presented to us. This can result in dangerous outcomes.

We as people also are actually not bothered about the facts; we simply do not care whether what we read is true or can be a propaganda thrown at us. Let us look at the forwarded messages/ mails. Some of these will say, if you like/share a picture, some organization will pay money to the unfortunate kid/person in that picture, do we even give a second’s thought, how come this message is not actually coming from the owners of the site, instead coming as a forward/shared message. Particularly funny
when we have friends forwarding a message in popular chat app in smart phones, which says, if you forward this to 10/20 of your friends you will not be charged/account will be retained etc, lo I have sent it, now my account is secure. Sometimes I ask such senders, did they get the promised benefit, reply is always in the negative. This is also used in a big way in creating the fear of god, such messages do not get forwarded/shared by me, and here I am still breathing, in fact writing this piece.
It is important in this age of high speed social networking, one spends couple of minutes to actually verify the news before hitting the forward/share buttons.

Our politicians whenever they are put in a spot by a media person, first thing they do is pick up an issue related to the other party and divert the subject and there goes the entire debate for a six, unless the moderator is a smart guy, we do see the moderators too getting carried away. This is when those statements which have been used in specific context, will be conveniently misused.

(Copyright of pictures used is with the respective owners)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How not to do business – common start-up mistakes

 I had a great learning experience, when i was recently associated with a Start-up in my consulting arrangement. Thought, it can be a learning experience for many as to how to handle a start up with minimal capital.

Product: It is very important that product strengths are detailed about and if required trials to be carried out, so that info from the trials can be shared with potential users. When there is a untested and untried product ever buyer/user expects someone else to lead rather than be a leader themselves. This is more pertinent when a product needs certain investment in infrastructure in addition to the product cost itself.

Clarity in approach: It is very important that one sets out a road map for roll out and ensures there are enough resources to take it forward. In case the resources are limited, then the roll out should suit the fund availability rather than being ambitious.

Not being greedy: Market is there and can be captured with a good product/service. But wanting to be everywhere with not enough money in the pocket is one thing entrepreneurs should avoid at all costs. Based on the product/service useability, market trials if carried out in the closest area to where one is head quartered would help in taking necessary course corrections and also provide necessary after sale service in an efficient manner. By spreading the wings far and wide one might end up taking the risk of too much to handle.

Strategy: It is very important that any organisation invests some money on market research to understand the depth and potential for its product. In absence of a MR report, it becomes difficult in making a marketing plan. While experimentation becomes the order of the day, it can prove very costly both in terms of money and time.

Sales team: In the absence of a reputation it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract good sales people to join a start-up, as they are not sure how the product is going to perform and hence would not like to risk their careers. This is where one needs to think out of the box and try and hire go-getter with high motivation by providing high incentive for success. This is a worthwhile cost when one considers the lack of brand positioning and visibility.

Testimony: It is going to be utmost important that, testimonies from as many users are obtained to ensure conviction among future users. For this it is very important that one needs to have field trials, users (if required by providing necessary infra) and more importantly satisfied people, who will vouch for the product either in person or on video.

While wanting to be in the market is an ultimate desire, if the same task is not planned well, you will only end up delaying the actual success.

Disaster Management - Thinking out of the box

We keep talking about disasters and how to manage them when they occur. Keep blaming everybody from government, Babus and the greedy individuals who will try to make a fast buck during the ops. What are the long term plans for handling disasters.
GOI has constituted National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) with Prime Minister as the head and from its inception Marri Sashidhar Reddy as the Vice Chairman, meaning he is the defacto boss. In addition they have asked states to incorporate state level bodies to handle disasters. Now our active TV channels are digging out info that in most cases the so called Disaster management bodies either have not met or meet once in couple of years. All this casual attitude reflects our DNA of ‘chaltahai’ attitude and lack of concern for safety of either own or our near n dears.
Coming closer home, schools are expected to carry out ‘Fire Drills’, which are rarely done unless some tragedy strikes somewhere. Our attitude is such we wait for the fire from neighbouring house to reach ours till we act. Office in turn are supposed to conduct similar drills, most of the time we take the whole exercise so casual, even if there is a real fire we might assume that it is only a drill. Basically it is important to instill in the minds of the people be it a drill or a real thing we need to act the same way and, primarily the drills are to ensure there is no panic.
While NDMA has completed the paper work as to how to handle various disasters, no one is actually prepared and very few are trained. 

My belief as a layman, the following steps might help.

  • In the IAS/IPS training ‘Disaster management’ should be a part and should be given a decent coverage with considerable time spent on training and importance of drills and problem handling.
  • There should be a body like NIA at the national level who will have able bodied men and women who are trained in various types of disasters India encounters regularly and occasionally. We are fortunate that we do not have Hurricanes, Forest fires which are much difficult to handle. Typically now a days ’Cyclone’ management is reasonably in place and thanks to that we have less number of casualties, however property damage totally depends on the intensity of the disaster. This set up would be headed by DM toppers during the training from IAS & IPS cadres.
  • Thanks to 24/7 TV  disasters are brought in to our drawing rooms with high definition clarity and thanks to social networking all of us have opinions as to why or how people are dying and what is the government is doing. It might help if TV channels stop blaming the authorities within few minutes of a disaster happening, should focus on channelizing the rescue.
  • It is important to note that government consists of people and they have families, naturally everyone is concerned of their own during any disaster, that is why we need to have the National Disaster Team (NDT) landing within few hours of a disaster and start rolling out their effort in rescue/rehabitation. This team will take a call on requisitioning the armed forces or any other body that has to render its help. Since states are supposed to have their own Disaster management bodies (SDT) and each states problems might be different like Cyclones for the coastal states, floods in the Delta states, Earth quakes in few other states. These states in turn will have local force which is trained in the disaster service which is most likely to happen in that state. Disaster being a federal subject, the National force can requisition the help of the various state forces depending on the type of disaster.
  • Generally we Indians are good at contributing our might when it comes to helping the victims, but many a time, the food gets wasted because there is no co-ordinated effort and food doesn’t reach the victims. Similarly there could be many a Doctor willing to go and render service but doesn’t know how to go about it. All such individuals and organisations will have to register themselves with the NDMA.
  • Just to ensure there is transparency, for any disaster there should be a website up within 24 hours, standard templates can be created and specific pages can be structured based on the type of disaster. All donations, Help line nos will be listed. Contact nos of the organisations which are involved in the relief work would be made available in this site. TV channels/ Social networks can popularise the site within seconds of it going online.
  • NDT should have the powers to requisition transport be it Air/Road/Rail/Water and once a request is received from NDT, it becomes the responsibility of the respective organisations to provide the same. NDT shall have the right to even requisition private providers at commercial tariffs. NDT will be responsible for ensuring drills are carried out on various types of disasters at educational institutes, offices, factories etc.
Some drastic thinking and that too out of the box is the need of the day and there is no point we blame someone and feel our responsibility is over.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Myths n Reality or simply a hogwash

Current issue about Mr gurunath Meyyappan's involvement in betting match fixing, makes me ask these questions

BCCI members are fully backing me (when they can’t legally get rid of him, what else they can do)
Stadium is sold out (People love cricket, they came to enjoy cricket but very clearly expressed themselves by ‘Booing’ when Mr. Srinivasan’s name was announced)
We have a governing council to monitor IPL (This same body was watching like spectators when Lalit Modi ran it and even after that there is no stance of opposing anything which is supposed to be opposed- like Appointing MSD as the VP of India Cements, which is an indirect additional remuneration than the price they should be paying him US$1.8million part of the player retention in 2011)
Governing council should have come out with a statement that Gurunath Meyappan is not a owner, but it is BCCI president who makes the announcement that there will be an independent investigation.
If the GC is genuine they have to take a stand whether Guru is the owner or not, when they have been communicating with him as a owner, why do we need a separate investigation.
If Guru is not an owner why not they put out the 2013 pass issued to him, all of us will know whether he is a owner or not or what capacity pass was issued to him.
Does India cements a publically owned company can send just a cricket enthusiast to go and bid on their behalf, if they have sent him, can they clarify on what capacity they have sent him to bid for players. Ultimately it is the shareholders money.
What is the role of a Honorary member in the management of the team, will India Cements clarify
Can GC of IPL clarify whether honorary members of a management team are allowed access to the team dugout. Just to clarify this why do we need an investigation agency/Committee.
Retired Judges are above board (former CJI KGB is under a cloud, there are instances of Magistrates being arrested for accepting bribes, like in ‘Gali Bail case’)
Sunil Gavaskar says “people have already concluded and any report contrary to their conclusion will not be accepted prima facie”, fair enough, it is wrong to pre-judge, however why not bring out material facts in open and be transparent instead of appointing a investigation commission, which is 3 member with two people from GC and submits a report to the GC/BCCI.
We know that Pass No.1 to 4 have been given to four members of N. Srinivasan family in 2008 saying they are all team owners of CSK, similarly passes must have been issued every year, let it be told now  (Let Caesar’s wife be above suspicion) instead of saying investigation commission, they can show us 2013 passes.
If Guru is not a owner why did India cements keep quiet when he was claiming he was the CEO/Owner/Team Principal (or how can you question the Son-in-law)
Betting/Fixing whatever may be the finding, Morality of a person involved deeply with a team, which has millions of fans/followers, has he not played with their sentiments, can any team which allows such things to happen be allowed to continue to play in the league. May be Chennai deserves a cleaner owner and a team that will make it proud.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Toll Roads n our troubles

We are now a toll paying nation to use the roads and NHAI is doing its bit to make our road journey's as comfortable or uncomfortable as possible. However it is observed that some of the toll roads in spite of the exorbitant toll we pay gives us a bad ride.

One such Toll road is the NH5 also known as AH45 from Chennai to Kolkata, however in this lengthy road there is a stretch which is under BOOT build own operate and transfer between Tada & Nellore. This is managed by a company called Swarna Tollway Limited.

road repair work being carried out
Alleged damage done by the Nilam Cyclone
While this road has been laid by 2002 one of the early birds in the AB Vajpayee's Golden Quadrilateral program, for the early part it has been maintained well or the quality of road laying was better, i don't know. From the time the NHAI has stipulated this stretch for 6 lane expansion we notice no work has started in that direction, though the Chennai - Tada and Nellore - Kavali stretches have already seen some work happening, and quality of the road has also deteriorated, meaning no maintenance has been taken up.
Look at the patch up job, it needs re-laying

More Post repair images
When a friend of mine complained to the NHAI about the quality of the road, he got a reply informing him that due to the recent Nilam cyclone the road got damaged and patch up work is happening. Mail was almost condescending the concessionary. Few days after the mail was received by friend i was travelling on that road and shot the road with my phone as the car was on the move.
Post repair images

From the video you can see the image jumping which is indicating the condition of the road as the car was travelling on a particular stretch. Wonder why the NHAI officials who have allowed the concessionary a 30 year period to milch the revenue from that road are practically defending it by putting the blame on a cyclone, the condition of the road has nothing to do with cyclone but the unstable soil in a particular stretch. The road was laid without considering the soil condition and now the road is sinking in that stretch and the concessionary would like to take as much time as he can take to delay the maintainance works.
A crater filled up and being rolled byan ancient roller
Will he keep quiet if he is barred from collecting the toll, but as road users we have no choice but to suffer the ride. NHAI which is the custodian of the national highways would prefer to turn a blind eye but allow regular increase in the toll charges irrespective of the condition of the road, wonder who is getting benefited in the process?

Images were supplied by the NHAI engineers along with an explanatory letter blaming the entire damage on 'Nilam' cyclone, in fact my friend had complained that patch up works are not being carriedout as per the norms of the NHAI and we see the supervisors getting the job done in their own august presence, what more evidence is required for complicity.

Interestingly for a stretch of 53.60 kilometers the toll when it was started was Rs.60-00 collected in three locations and today it is Rs.105-00 a jump of 75% from 2003 to 2012 when only 10% is the increase for every 2 years is allowed. Primarily on rounding of the toll itself huge benefit is derived and more over the normal concessional multi entry charge is also not allowed on this stretch.