Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bharat Ratna - is it demandable

Bharat Ratna the highest Indian award/recognition given to an individual who excels in his field of activity and contributes to the pride of the country. When you look at the demands being made by one and all it sounds so ludicrous

Up to a point of time this award was only given to people who were in politics and the trend got changed some time in the history where people like Mother Theresa, Abdul Kalam, Lata Mangheskar, Bhismillah Khan and their likes were recognized worthy of this recognition.

When we consider the whys and why not of the selection process shouldn’t we look at what each individual has contributed to the nation building effort. Let’s look at some of the contenders

One is a nation’s foremost statesman, who played a very effective role of a opposition leader and also lead the first full term Non-Congress government at the centre.

Next is a person who has lead the second revolution of the dalit uplifting and in the end days died a very confined death and predominantly unsung except for by his protege, that to more as an after thought.

Another a seasoned poet and a regional leader who was known for his anti-Hindi agitation and today’s pressure politics (His party has enjoyed the power at the centre for over a decade by being with the right alliance), family first policy etc., apart from this he is not known much for national building, he is being pushed by his well wishers for this award.

Once in a while we here about a film star turned politician whose erstwhile party which keeps demanding the award being bestowed on him. No doubt there are some worthy names which are missing in this madness for proposals including a former prime minister who has initiated the economic reforms, the benefit of which we are all enjoying today.

Another senior leader of a leftist party is being propped for his leadership of a state for over two decades during which period it has gone from being a industrial capital of the country to a most backward state status. This party other than it’s self proclaimed nations conscious keeper status done nothing much towards nation building.

No doubt there are more such names doing the rounds, one doesn’t really understand why so much of noise is being generated in this regard. Why not we take few examples from different walks of life and evolve a mechanism which can deliver a blemish free selection.

Noble prize winners are selected by a five man committee constituted by the Norwegian parliament for that purpose and they will dwell on various proposals and then come out with a valued judgment. Closer home let’s look at the effort of a Business publication which has been selecting the ‘Best Businessman of the year’ with a well constituted panel which is headed by the previous years winner.

It is worthwhile that a parliament appointed committee consisting of eminent people (who are unlikely to appease for this appointment) to select the Highest Civilian awardees. Let all these propagandists send in their nominations for the award detailing why they propose the award for their candidate.

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