Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mutual conspiracy

It is quite apparent both the CM's of AP & TS have adopted methods to divert the minds of the public from issues that matter. Most importantly poll promises.

If you observe the latest goings on in the Telangana State assembly, trivial issues are raked up to divert the legislature time and in turn the minds of people. Heritage Milk ban in Kerala is not a subject for the Telangana assembly to even mention, it is for the officials to carry out search/test the milk samples and take action that is required, instead by instigating the TDP MLA's, TRS was able to manage to divert the attention of the legislature and media for a day. TDP MLA's also have unnecessarily got provoked and made a mockery of themselves by showing total loyalty to their boss.

Most importantly, this entire telecast is made in the state of AP by the TV channels either live or repeated bombarding, provoking reactions from the people of AP either pro or against what is being spoken. Do these channels show what is happening in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka or Orissa Assemblies in the same manner, they do not, but understandably they have a purpose here. Keep non issues alive and ensure real issues dont get required coverage.

Similar is the case with the CM of AP, he will, to ensure Ryots and Dwakra women do not talk about loan waiver promised during the elections, talks about building a capital in 1.0 lakh acres and says with the same breath there is no money. He will blame the opposition for all that he cannot deliver. Creates a bigger nuisance in sand mining by allowing even MLA's to fight over territorial rights, leave aside the women concerned. These are apart from regular KCR vs NCB bantering that keeps taking place for public consumption.

While ETV has been sensible enough to have two channels one for each state, most or all of the other channels have only one channel and they try to cater to both the state viewers by ensuring both state news is telecast, leading to the daily accusations and counter accusations being hurled at each other from two separate states. Maybe they can take help of technology to deliver state specific info to the respective state by identifying the MSO's IP information. Similar is the case with DTH too. I believe it is possible with some of the cartoon channels giving different language audio options currently.

Maybe it is time people from the respective state demanding that they only get predominantly their state news rather than neighbouring state news and also the unnecessary banter from the manipulative leaders.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Instant 'Achche din' dont happen

In the age of Twitter, Instagram, Fast food, we are all getting used to the idea of immediate results in everything. On the May 16th Mr Narendra Modi was announced to be the next PM thanks to the popular vote he got for his party and the alliance.

From that minute, people wanted him to deliver and I had noticed enough and more posts about his silence for the first 60 days on various social media forums and live TV debates.

While people missed out on few key changes like, Babu's going to office on time, self declaration/ attestation instead of running to a Notary or a Judicial Magistrate or a Gazetted officer for attesting etc. Maybe the 'India' doesn’t see these as significant, but 'Bharat' would have been happy to see these in place.

Finally our PM spoke, from the ramparts of the Red fort, he spoke quite decisively, called for the safety of the girl child, need for toilets and clean India, and also chided the parents of boys for not questioning them enough and pampering them vis-a-vis a girl child. His outreach never stopped from that day, be it on the Radio or TV or Madison Garden he went on and on, now we started to look forward to his next initiative everytime he speaks.

Many a time opposition is finding it difficult to question his ideas and have started looking for other ways to point a finger at him. Of course there is always this communal card, which they can use against him n his party and to make matters worse some of the fringe elements keep raising issues which keep our TV debaters in 'India' busy.

Black Money, is the big bogey which Mr. Modi had effectively used during his election campaigning, however extracting black money is not the easiest things to do. Days have gone where money was being stashed in foreign bank accounts and nobodc was there to ask, today thanks to very innovative methods (designed by financial experts who are familiar with international laws), money simply flows bank into the country through the so called Pnotes and Mauritius based funds after being technically taken out through Hawala route.

Today practically every other politician uses this method to route his ill gotten money and they are clean because they don’t have any assets in their name and the assets are in the name of various companies floated and which are funded by the funds which are actually subscribed by their ill gotten wealth.

Businessmen who teach politicians these methods would always be a step ahead and probably have more innovative methods in deployment. Please do not expect miracles to happen in regards to black money coming back to India and don’t get carried away by the various 'Documents/certificates about money stashed in international banks and tax heavens', these are all nothing but a figment of imagination by innovative creators and popularly circulated by people like us without questioning the same.

While we can keep waiting for the 'Stashed black money to come back into India' the task on hand is to ensure there is no fresh generation of black money in our economy. Common areas where white becomes black are, Bribes, property purchase, Tax evasion (VAT/CENVAT/Customs) our penchant for not asking for a bill, buying the so called cheaper imports from China and elsewhere, which are apparently under valued for customs purpose. If we can desist from these then probably we will do our bit in reducing the generation of black money and ensure growth of our nation too.

Coming back to Achche din, we had enough rot and lethargy that has steeped in to our system, because Babu's were never questioned and never made accountable. Our PM wants to bring in the systematic change by institutionalise the way the govt is run. By ensuring digitalisation, we could have more open access to the functioning of our govt. RTI or no RTI.

Achche din are something like planting a Mango tree, which will yield the fruit after few years of planting it, and it is certainly not like instant coffee, where you put the powder in milk and there it is unlike the filter coffee which needs overnight percolation of the decoction. So if you want stashed money from abroad to comeback, allow the govt to pro-actively work on it with or without Supreme court.

Are we ready to back our popular leader, do we give him enough time to break the shackles of the bureaucracy and make things to move. Achche din to ana hi chahiye our ayega bhi.